The Core, The King and The Queen

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After being restrained in the dungeon, Andrias and The Gang were stuck in cells and were unable to escape. Andrias sat in his cell alone as he looked at the cubed robot pin that Marcy gave to home when they met for the first time.

Andrias felt the guilt rising as he felt bad for using Marcy and betraying her, he missed Marcy so much as he wanted to let her know how sorry he was for stabbing her and using her as a host for The Core. He knows that The Core needs to be defeated for good as he has to find a way out of his cell.

He uses his laser sword to cut the cell bars and escape, he tells the gang to stay put as he has a plan to get them out. "Andrias? What's your plan?" Sasha asked. Andrias signed as he didn't want to it, but it was the only way.

"I'm going to gain The Core's trust again so that I can use them to free you all and to get Anne and Marcy out." Andrias said. They were all in disbelief as they said that The Core will never believe him. "I have an idea to gain The Core's trust, I have an idea." Andrias said as he tells them his idea.

Darcy and Core Anne sat on the throne as they monitor everything that's happening. "Anne, I can't believe we finally won, it's ashame we have to do this alone without a third wheel." Darcy said. Core Anne nods her head as they need someone to do their biding.

"Maybe I can serve you, My Lord." Andrias said. Darcy and Core Anne look and see Andrias in front of them, they got of the throne as they approached him. "Well, Well, Well, look who it is." Darcy said. Andrias stood there in silence as he looked at both Darcy and Core Anne.

"Andrias, what a surprise that you escaped your cell, what do you want?" Darcy asked. Andrias took a deep breath as he kneels before Darcy. "My Lord, I wish to return all my loyalty to you and to Anne." Andrias said. Darcy smiles as she never thought she would hear that even after Andrias helped Anne, Marcy and Sasha try to defeat them all those months ago.

"How interesting, even after what you did in betraying us, you suddenly return to up our side after you betrayed us and your own father." Darcy said. Andrias then looked back at Darcy and spoke. "I apologize, I wish to return to your side and serve you as My Lord, and full fill my father's wishes." Andrias said.

Darcy smiles as Aldrich see this within The Core as he is impressed that his son has finally come crawling back to him, Aldrich became happy when he heard the next words that came out of his son's mouth. "My Father was right, it's time for me to say goodbye to those childhood friends of mine, you are all I need and will ever have, My Lord." Andrias said.

Aldrich then spoke. "Why son, I think I'm almost proud of you." Aldrich said. Darcy smiles as she giggled a little. "Very well then, you shall return to our side as long as you swear that you will serve us we'll and Never betray us again, Understand?" Darcy said. "I swear on my life, My Lord, I won't betray you again." Andrias said.

Darcy smiles as Andrias rises, Core Anne then looks at Andrias as her eyes flicker from orange to blue as a warning to him if he ever betrays her or her girlfriend again as she will kill him of he does. "Andrias, we do have something that we need you to do." Darcy said.

Andrias nods his head as Darcy and Core Anne exit the throne room with Andrias behind them. "I may need you to do an optimization on me again as a way to make me believe that you will remain loyal to me." Darcy said.

Andrias gulps as they enter the room where Darcy had her last optimization, Darcy lays on the big red pillow as Core Anne wraps her arms around her waist and holds her hand. Andrias started the optimization as Darcy shuts off as Core Anne falls asleep with Darcy in her embrace.

Andrias the took a blanket and covered them up as he looks at the fireplace as he remembers the time when he, Leif and Barrel spent together back before Leif stole the box to prevent him from doing the invasion of Earth. He also remembers when he wondered about his mother and asked his father where she was.

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