Marcy's Nightmare

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It was night time, Anne and Marcy were sleeping together all cuddled up with each other. Anne felt comfortable with Marcy in her arms. Marcy laid her head next to Anne's. Marcy then entered her dream and saw all black. "What? Oh No." Marcy said. She saw she was in her old armor. She then saw Darcy/The Core Infront of her. She then saw Anne behind her all tied up in mechanical tentacles. "Hello Marcy, happy to see us again?" Darcy muttered.

Marcy was so confused. "You! You're suppose to be dead, how are you still alive?" Marcy asked while scared of seeing the entity that possessed her and tried to kill her girlfriend. "We can be destroyed, but, we always find a way to return as we are still in your body." Darcy said. Marcy was shocked, The Core is still in her body. Even after it was destroyed. "We defeated you once, and we'll do it again." Marcy said.

Darcy chuckled at the response as she ignites her Laser Scythe. "Let's Rumble, Girlfriend." Darcy said. Marcy pulls out a sword and Darcy and Marcy charged at each other. Darcy twirls her scythe and laughed manically as Marcy slash at the hivemind.

Darcy blocks evey attack there is and even managed to land a small hit on Marcy's chin. Marcy then runs towards Darcy, but she then trips and falls on her face. "Ow, dang it." Marcy said. She looked up and saw Darcy looking down at her. Darcy raised her Scythe and was prepared to finish Marcy off. "Goodbye, Marcy." Darcy said. "It was fun while it lasted." Darcy said.

She then swings it to kill Marcy but Darcy gets kicked in the back by Anne. Marcy smiles as Anne help her up. "Anne!" Marcy said. She hugs and kisses her girlfriend. "Marcy, I'm having the same dream as you." Anne said. "Wait! Your in my dream." Marcy said.

"Yeah, it's very wired that I'm in your head, but at least we can defeat Darcy." Anne said. (Anne is having the same dream as Marcy and Anne is in Marcy's head). Anne and Marcy charged at Darcy. Darcy smiles as she can destroy both Anne and Marcy while in the same dream. "Finally, we can finally destroy you both and finally get revenge!" Darcy yelled.

Darcy runs towards Anne and Marcy as they blocked Darcy's Scythe. Anne and Marcy jumps in the air twords Darcy while Darcy laughs manically. Darcy laughs as she twirls her scythe. She clashes with Anne and Marcy, Their weapons clashes against each other.

Darcy uses her mechanical tentacles to fling Anne into a wall. Marcy sees this and goes into a frenzy, she charges at Darcy and uses her sword and slashed at her. Darcy kicks Marcy off her and runs at her. Darcy uses her tentacles to grab both Anne and Marcy. "Goodbye Anne and Marcy, we'll see you again when our big plan begins again." Darcy said. She laughed manically and drops Anne and Marcy into the black abyss.

Anne and Marcy quickly wake up and breathe heavily, they see their still naked and covered up. Marcy buried her face in her hands and cried. Anne hugs her girlfriend tightly. "Shh... It's okay Marcy... Shh... It's okay." Anne said in a calming voice. "Anne... It's still alive." Marcy said.

Anne knows what it is. She and her friends stopped Andrias and The Core's invasion, Anne, Marcy and Sasha used their Calamity Powers and fought The Core. Anne sacrificed her life and destroyed The Core, they got separated from their found families and even after that, The Core is still alive... And is planning Revenge.

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