We're past talking! Quick, grab 'em! shouted Zeke as we get ready. We beat them and i was thinking... they were not that strong, Please wait! said Pupunin?! What are you doing here? asked Rex.

What silly question! It Pupunin who hire world-famous band of gourmet chefs, Fire Dragons! said Pupunin. World-famous... said Rex, ...gourmet chefs?! said Nia, Mor Ardain very insistent, want only very food for inportant summit! said Pupunin.

Pupunin work wings to bone finding chefs and now what this?! said Pupunin, uh? So you mean... said Rex. ...these guys are... said Pyra, ...just a bunch of cooks?! said Nia, I did think they were not putting up much of a fight said Dromarch.

Then this food is actually...said Pandoria as Zeke head for the food and take a piece of the food, D-d-d-deeeeelicious! I could eat this stuff forever! said Zeke. Then i take a piece too, Oooooh... That delicious i said.

What friend doing ?! Very expensive food now go to waste! said Pupunin, S-sorry! We really did think they were here to murder someone... said Rex. Murder?! What this nonsense frieneds talk?! said Pupunin.

I demand compensetion! Friends have no idea how much time and money Pupunin spent on this- said Pupunin as we heard an explosion,  An explosion?! said Rex. From where?! said Zeke as we saw some Mor Ardain soldiers and we asked the soldier.

Hey! What's going on? asked Rex, explosion in the hangar! Right when everyone was busy with Queen Raqura's arrival! It's really bad! said the soldier as he ran to the hangar. The Queen is here? This is it! said Rex, Rex, we need to hurry! said Pyra, yeah! said Rex as we head for the hangar.

As we got to the hangar, we saw Queen Raqura there. Who are you, villain?! Is this some underhanded Ardainian trick?! said Raqura, wrong! But also right! Truth is complicated! said Bana.

Anyhow, here is where Queen die, If it look like Queen killed by Mor Ardain, me in the money again! said Bana. That voice... Bana, from the Argentum Guild said Raqura, Correct! Top marks for the Queen! said Bana.

But you were unseated as Chairman said Raqura, is not so easy to get rid of Bana! Trade Guild of Argentum belong to Bana! Down to last screw, last frop of oil! said Bana. Hold it, Bana! said Rex as we run to Bana.

You...Rex! Meeeeh! Bana not let Rex interfere with plans! Again and again... Bana not stand for this! said Bana. Masterpon! That Artificial Blade! said Poppi, It Rosa?! Meh-meh-meh... Tora feel much greater power than before... Especially from mark on forehead! said Tora.

What's going on?! Wh-what's that?! said Niall, Oho-ho-ho... even Emperor come straight to Bana! Convenient little moth to flame! said Bana. Come on, Bana, cut the bad-guy talk and accept you've lost said Nia.

You know you won't get away with it, what with all these withnesses here! said Nia. If Bana simply kill everyone then nobody blab! Victory of Bana is assured... said Bana, you know we can't let you do that! said Rex.

You think you handle the power of upgraded Giga Rosa?! Things go very different this time! said Bana as we fighting him. He was more powerful then last time and we finally beat him, how... Even Giga Rosa defeated by these nasty meddling kids... said Bana.

This ends here, Bana, you are under arrest. The Praetorium will handle the judgment, assassination is a serious matter, your sentence will be harsh said Morag. So the mercantile genius Bana... meets an inglorious end before my very eyes. Pitful said Raqura.

Grrr... Bana is... Bana is not kind of man to go down like this! If i go down, I take you with me! said Bana as he about to push the button. Watch out-! Aegaeon! shouted Niall as he run at Bana, As you you wish! said Aegaeon as i what they doing.

No i shouted as i run as fast as i can and i about to cover Niall with my body, but the explosion happened and sent me flying to the wall.


y/n i shouted as y/n was sent flying, Niall Ardanach... You... You sought to...protect us? asked Raqura. I'm...glad... said Niall as he fall to the ground, Majesty! Majestyyy!!! Your Majesty! Please, no! said Morag as she got Niall in her arm.

Your Majesty... I have failed you... said Aegaeon as he turn back into core crystal, I...it can't be... To protect us, you... Please, wake up! Niall!... Niall! shouted Morag. Not again, not like this said y/n as we look at him.

y/n... your scarf said Mythra as he look to see his core, oh...  right, it got burn away said y/n. I look at Morag, Dromarch I said, yes? asked Dromarch, distract the others... i said. Distract...? I'm not sure I... N-no! My Lady, you cannot-! said Dromarch.

There's still time... Hurry! i said, yes...my lady... There are more of them! shouted Dromarch. Where?! said Morag, what'd you say?! said Zeke, this way, the rest of you should get to safety! said Dromarch.

Chum! said Zeke, I'm on it! said Rex as the other follower Dromarch. Then Morag follow the other too and Raqura let the room her follower, so i run to Niall and i started to heal him. I saw Niall woke up and he saw me in my true form.

You are... said Niall, shh, you're gonna be fine... i said. The other walk back, what d'you mean, imagined it?! You got us all in a proper tizzy! said Zeke. My apologies... I thought I spied silhouettes... I did not mean to cause trouble said Dromarch.

Hey he trying to help but he didn't mean to cause trouble, but i didn't save Niall said y/n. y/n... said Morag, Heeey! Hey! You guys! His Majesty the Emperor is awake! i shouted. What?! said Morag, can it be?! said Brighid as Morag run to Niall.

Majesty! said Morag as she hug him, I apologize...for making you worry... said Niall. Majesty... It's... It's a miracle... said Morag, when Aegaeon returned to his core, I was certain we had lost you... said Brighid.

Honestly...you call yourselves soldiers? First aid? Anyone heard of it? i asked, But...his wounds... said Morag. Just scratches, Pfft, nothing me and Dromarch can't handle i said, you saved-?! Thank you, Nia. Itruly don't know how to... said Morag.

I will never be able to repay you for what you- said Morag, oh, don't sweat it. Let's just say you owe me one, that'll do fine, right? i asked. Nia... said Morag was happy to see Niall was alright.

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