But it didn't work. Instead he just stared at her like Yuno would.

" Kito, I don't want you to be like your dad, I want you to be you. Your happiness is what matters. You don't have to have big dreams, you can just be you and live a quiet and simple life, as long as you're happy and healthy." Neva told him softly as he sniffled against her shoulder.

" But...but I still want to get strong enough to protect you..." Kito sniffled as he pulled away from her shoulder, and she smiled warmly at him.

" Then get stronger," Neva told him softly. " But do it because you want to, not because of pressure from the advisors."

Kito nodded as he listened to his mothers words.

" Okay, I'll get stronger. Then that way, when you get in trouble, I can protect you just like you've always protected me. I can do that, right mom?" Kito asked, his amber eyes full of hope as he looked at the warm and comforting face of his mother.

" Of course you can do that, and I'll be eagerly awaiting the day that you do."


Kito wasn't sure why that memory decided to pop into his head as he was huddled in the corner, shaking in fear as chaos erupted around him in the castle. But it did, and now all he could think about was how now he was truly being the opposite of his father.

Instead of being a hero and helping defend the castle, he was being a coward and was sitting in a corner, hiding.

Suddenly he heard a loud shriek echo through the hall as all of the candles that lined the walls and hung in the chandeliers were suddenly blown out. In the darkness, Kito could hear more and more people running, screaming, and crying as they tried to get away.

Items crashed to the ground as people pushed and shoved each other to get out of the way. Blood-Curdling screams rang out as people were attacked by an unknown enemy and spells were cast throughout the hall as people fought to try and save themselves and their friends.

But it was all in vain.

Kito closed his eyes and covered his ears as he tried to drown out the sights and sounds that surrounded him. But he could still feel the vibrations of the floor, could still smell the different elemental magics that were being used, and the blood of the targets once those spells connected.

But then...it stopped. The sounds, the lights, everything. As though time itself had stopped for a moment. The young boy slowly opened his eyes and uncovered his ears. The room was dark save for the moonlight that shone through the window.

Kito tried to get up but stopped when he suddenly heard footsteps walk towards him. He covered his mouth, and tried to stay as silent as he could when the footsteps moved closer and closer to him.

But then they suddenly stopped right beside him...

He didn't dare breathe as he stared at the figure's shadow on the floor. It's head looked one way, and then the other, as though it were searching for something. Then it stood there...not moving, not even seeming to breathe...Kito waited with baited breath as he watched the figure's shadow, waiting for its next move...

And then suddenly, the figure just turned around and walked away. Its footsteps moved further and further away from the young boy, until the hallway was empty and completely silent. Save for the sound of Kito's heart drumming anxiously in his ears.

For a while, Kito just sat there unmoving. He wanted to get up, to help protect his home, but his body wouldn't move. Instead he trembled, his breathing quick and labored as his heart continued to pound in his ears.

Children of the Future: Shadows of the Past (A Black Clover Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now