Multiverse of Madness

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(This is the last chapter, I loved writing this story and I hope you've all liked it over the last year and a half, thanks for reading)

Catherine Ward, Edward Mason, Daniel Dickens and Abraham Gray. One had bled to death, One had been buried alive and the other two had been crushed by falling rocks in a collapsing building. Their names were lost to the world, having no  loved ones of their own to mourn, the only people who even remembered their existence were Zack and Ray, the two people responsible for their untimely deaths.

Ray rubs her eyes, thinking she was seeing things but there they were, clear as day. Standing right in front of her were four people she was convinced had died 3 years ago.

They looked around confused by the unfamiliar surroundings.

"What's going on here?" Danny asks, adjusting his glasses as he sees a class full of children beside him.

The portals around them all closed over suddenly, keeping the walking corpses there.

Zack and Ray were frozen in shock.

Zack slowly approached Cathy, who stood closest to him and slowly touched her with the edge of his scythe to see if she was real or not. The sharp edge of the weapon was batted away with an angry growl from Cathy.

Zack stumbled back at the realisation that they were real. He backed into a wall with his eyes wide with terror, griping his weapon tightly.

"Oh Zack, are you okay?" Gray asks, confused on why one of his angels was acting like this.

"Who are these people? They just came out of the portal? Wait, how do they know you two?" Dabi asked as he looked confused as he watched the four strangers who seemed to be drenched in blood walk up to Zack and Ray nonchalantly.

Nobody ended up answering Dabi's question.

Everybody else was just watching curiously, not sure whether these new arrivals were friend or foe.

"You look so cute in blood! Hi! My name's Toga Himiko, nice to meet you" Toga said happily to the small red headed child. He gave her a polite smile but looked at her warily.

Ray snapped herself out of her funk as she felt Danny putting his hand on her shoulder. She shook herself out of his grip and took a step back towards Zack.

"How the hell did you guys get here? How are you alive?" Ray asks nervously. She was lost, she had no idea this would happen.

"I don't know, we were looking for you two so that we could have a meeting before the next batch of sacrifices and then a weird portal looking thing opened up and swallowed us up and we were here" Eddie answers.

Ray was surprised. She worked there for 11 months and not once did they ever had a team meeting. She doubted they'd ever had one as Zack didn't even seem to know who lived in the building with him when they first met.

Ray stood, deep in thought over the current circumstances. Zack on the other hand was slowly having a mental breakdown as he sat on the ground in the fetal position mumbling to himself. Dabi had sat down next to him, trying to help him while Toga was going around poking and prodding the new arrivals.

Class 1A were just trying to leave, not wanting to get involved in whatever was happening although they were curious.

Aizawa was willing and ready to attack the four newcomers, he had put Eri down and had his capture scarf in hand. If Zack and Ray knew them he assumed they were criminals, which they were but still.

Tsukihuachi was watching curiously, his quirk ever activated.

"Hello, my name's detective Tsukihuachi, could you tell me where you came from, my quirks lie detection and I can't turn it off so please answer truthfully" he said as he approached them.

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