Kamino Ward

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All Might was sitting opposite Centipeder (Sir Nighteye's sucessor) as they sipped some of Nezu's famous tea in a private room in the UA staff area.

"So how's your progress finding a successor going?" Centipeder asked All Might as the blonde shifted nervously in his seat. He gulped at his long time friend knowing that he wouldn't like this.

"I-there...there isn't much" All Might said as Centipeder slammed his cup onto the table.

"Toshinori! I knew this would happen! Nighteye told you to use Mirio because he knew that you would never be able to find a suitable candidate amongst the 1st years they're too inexperienced and your standards are way too high for them to compete with" Centipeder ranted as All Might tried to calm him down.

"I tried with Mirio but he didn't want the quirk! What do you expect me to do? Force it on him? Plus, my standards aren't too high, this quirk isn't just a normal quirk it's a legacy and if I give it to some moronic child then it might fall into the wrong hands and I'll bring disgrace upon myself and all other one for all users" All Might said, raising his voice as he replies to him.

Centipeder stared at his friend.

" This isn't just a normal quirk it's a legacy? This is the type of thinking that's led you to this situation. You should've passed on the quirk when you had the chance to someone who would be willing to use it. You're acting as if the next person to get this quirk will need to be the next symbol of peace" He explained.

"They'll have to be the next, when I'm gone someone needs to replace me" All Might says.

"You absolute moron, you don't realize what you've done do you? You've created a standard so high that no one will ever be able to compare to you let alone replace you, Endeavour has literally been trying to beat you for his entire life and actually had to result to trying to raise the next generation to surpass you when he finally realized he couldn't crack it" Centipeder explains as All Might was stunned into silence.

"Even if you train this new person for years they'll never be able to replace you, you should take a page from Endeavours book and raise the next generation to be the best they can possibly be, one singular pillar is too unstable but that's why you should train multiple smaller pillars that can hold up the weight of society by distributing it"  Centipeder explains as All Might remains silent.

"I don't think so, there's not enough people who will be able to do this the world needs a new symbol of peace so what am I going to do? It's too late to train anyone and there's no one willing to take on a entirely new quirk this late in life so I'm running out of options what should I do?" All Might asks.

Centipeder  thinks for a moment.

"No matter how I think about it I think you have two options, try Mirio again or don't pass on the quirk" Centipeder explains.

"Not pass on the quirk? Are you mental? I need to pass on the quirk so that...so that-"

"Exactly, the only reason you want to pass on the quirk is for the legacy, All For One is dead, and he was the only reason the quirk was even created and the quirk served it's purpose so maybe you can just let it die" Centipeder said he had only found out about OFA recently but even he knew this was getting ridiculous.

"Absolutely not, I'm not going to be responsible for the death of one for all plus, I don't know if he's actually dead" All Might said as Centipeder spit out his tea in All Might's face.

"Ew" All Might said as he rung out the tea from his hair.

"All For One isn't dead?" He asks with venom dripping out of his words.

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