The Consequences of Grief

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Zack and Ray get on the next train they can to get to their respective mentors. The trains are delayed due to what happened in Hosu the day before so things are slow.

Ray tries to make sure to get their story straight as they head back since they are already back later than they originally planned.

Their just lucky that Giran guy helped them out so much, without him they would have been screwed.

"Okay so the story we're going with is that we met up in Musutafu on our day off since we don't have any family to visit and we just hung out  until we tried to get back to our mentors but the trains were delayed because of the Hosu incident and we could only get back today" Ray explains to Zack as she gets ready to board her train which is about to leave.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it" Zack says barely listening as he stares intensely at his train ticket, trying to work out what it says.

Ray hits him on the side of his head as hard as she can.

"Ow, what the fuck?!" Zack yells drawing the attention of the people around them.

"Listen to me this is very important, if we get caught then we could go to jail" Ray explains as she gets on the train.

Zack rolls his eyes and Ray raises her arm to hit him again.

"Okay, okay geez, I got it" Zack says as the doors close and ray gives him a satisfied smirk through the window.


just stood there for awhile trying too figure out what to do when a ladies voice over the intercom said something about his train arriving at the station so Zack made his way over to where Ray told him to go.

He got on the train without any problems and sat by himself next to a window and stared off into the distance as the destroyed city rushed past.

Zack's eyes started to droop.

he had spent so much time over the past day running, jumping and hiding from pro heroes that he hadn't really had much time to sleep so as the hustle and bustle of the train went on without him.

Zack slowly fell asleep.


Zack was woken up as the loud ass voice of the intercom that interrupted his dreams. He rubbed his eyes and looked out on the familiar city of Nagoya.

Zack walked out of the train, glad that he got on the right one this time and tried to retrace his steps back to Miruko's house. He kept getting lost since Nagoya was a big city and the first time he went to her house he was kind of preoccupied with trying to catch Miruko to pay attention to his surroundings.

Zack somehow ended up on the complete opposite side of town and was now just so confused.

Zack tried to use his phone to help him out but because he wasn't used to phones he had no idea how to use it and there was the added set back of not being able to spell google maps.

He was leaning against the wall of an abandoned store while staring uselessly at his phone's screen trying to open the apps using his mind like a jedi.

As he was standing there he heard a mysterious noise coming from just behind the store and because he hasn't seen a horror movie in like 10 years, he investigates it. He sees two men in fully black outfits whispering to each other. One of the guys hands the other a big wad of cash as he gives him a clear plastic bag full of a strange white substance.

One of them spots Zack who is creepily watching the scene unfold as he leans against the alley wall.

"Continue" Zack says gesturing for the two of them to continue there 'trade'.

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