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"DING-DONG." Slowly, I took off my sleep mask and looked around my room. Hmm, who could be ringing like crazy at this hour? I reached towards my nightstand and opened the first drawer. Ah, perfect. I put my headphones on, played calming music, put my sleep mask back on, turned around and then fell asleep again.

When I woke up again, half an hour had passed. I was so hungry that I needed to eat something first before  going back to sleep. So i put my sleep mask aside and took off my headphones, but as soon as I did, I heard a laugh that was all too familiar...Wait was it Sunoo? Why is he here?. Even though I saw him at Niki's table in the cafeteria , I didn't know they were friends

I quickly stood up and looked at myself in the mirror oh my- I'm looking hot as usual with my long blonde hair over the shoulder, a white undershirt, a white cardigan, and short white sweatpants. I quickly tied my hair back and went out of the room to make sure I wasn't imagining things.

"Ugh, y-yes, I thought maybe I could ask Stacy if she helps us. You know she'd probably want to help him," surprised, I yelled, diverting everyone's attention to me.

"What? Why are you asking that stupied cow of a sister for a favor?" "How many times do I have to tell you not to call her like that?" "Am I lying? She's as dumb as bread for ignoring a brother like you," I said, now sitting in Jay's place who was sitting now pissed off on the carpet.

"You-ah, can't even keep your mouth shut, right? Guys, you're misunderstanding the whole thing," Sunoo said, now looking concerned at Niki's friends. Huh, what did he mean by- oh? Could it be he hadn't told them yet?

"Aren't your friends? Why didn't you tell them?" I said, now confused. The others were still silent no one said anything. Were they shocked that I already knew Sunoo?

"We're not that close," Niki said, looking down. "But I thought you offered me the cup as a symbol of our new friendship," Sunoo said sadly to Niki. As I looked around and saw the cup Sunoo mentioned, I started to giggle. Was he serious? Not these stupid cups again.

"Sunoo, he offered you the cup-" Before I could finish my sentence, Heeseung stood up in shock. "Wait, you know Sunoo?" Is he realizing this just now? Jungwon gasped in shock and looked at me. "And I was wondering why you spoke so familiarly. Do you know Sunoo hyung?"

Oh my, Niki really gathered friends of his caliber, or maybe it was Niki who brought them down to his IQ level.
I mean, they've been friends since childhood, which is why it really shocked me that Sunoo was sitting here in the middle of all Niki's friends. Wait, where is Sunghoon?

"Guys, he spilled that Stacy is his little sister. Why didn't you realize they know each other?" Jay said annoyed. "Oh, but I don't think I mentioned anything about a little sister," I said, now implying. Sunoo looked at Jay in shock. "Did you know?" Silence. No one dared to say anything. You could feel that the room took on a strange atmosphere.

"Sunghoon told us," Jake finally said. Oh God, this kid was too honest. And can someone please tell me why he was still in such a good mood? He looked at Sunoo with his puppy eyes and smiled gently, as Sunoo then  suddenly started smiling back, I heard a relieved sigh from Jay, who was tense before.

"It's okay, I mean, it's not like I don't want anyone to know. Stacy doesn't want it, and I'm just trying to respect that. Please, just don't tell Stacy, or Someone else,I beg you," Sunoo said.

"It's okay, Sunoo. I promise it stays between us. No one will say a word about it," Jungwon said, first looking at Sunoo and then at Jay.

"Okay um, now that we've cleared that up, should we maybe talk about how my stupid brother knows Sunoo!?" my brother said, throwing loving glances at me.

"We're friends," I said confidently. After all, we had already shared secrets that's friendship, right? "Wait, Niki, Hyunjin hyung is your brother?! Oh my god, why didn't I wonder why you're here? What was I thinking?,It's all because of you, because you stressed me, I didn't even wonder what you were doing here" Sunoo said, confused.

When I think about it, Sunoo fits better into my brother's friend group than I thought.

" Yeah, Unfortunately he is my brother," my  lovly brother said.
Ah, if I catch you later...
I quickly gave Niki a look that said, 'you're. dead.' and then smiled at Sunoo. "Yes, he's my little brother whom I told you about. I'm sorry he's not as sweet in real life as in my stories" I said smiling

"Forget that tell me why you two are friends, or better yet, since when?" Niki said, still annoyed. "We're not friends." "What? Yes, we are."
"Who are you?" Sunoo said coldly to me. Quickly, I grabbed my heart to emphasize how much those words hurt me, but his only response was to roll his eyes.

"We've met a couple of times in the school garden and talked about one or two things," Sunoo said now. He was right we had only seen each other a few times, but in my opinion, we quickly understood each other.
He needed someone to listen, and I needed some tea, so we sometimes met in the school garden during breaks. I don't know why he told me all that, but I'm sure it wasn't for good advice because I clearly didn't hade that.

"By the way, where is Sunghoon?" I asked, suddenly realizing the absence of another idiot. Since these five had been friends with Niki since childhood and even moved schools with him, I couldn't ignore the missing presence.

"Sunghoon was expelled from school, so here we are, looking for a solution." Wait, Sunghoon was what? Once in my life I'm sick, and then this happens. , "Tell me, now."

hello I know I just posted a chapter that there won't be any more chapters for a while and now I'm here with one but it was already finished and looked so good  I just had to post it so yeahhh byee 😭💅

I hope you liked this chapter 

(okay now fr I won't be able to post anything for a while because -> 💅💀)

I'M IN LOVE WITH STACY'S BROTHER?|SunSunWhere stories live. Discover now