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I woke up in the morning to my alarm clock, realizing it was already late. I hadn't even noticed that my alarm had been ringing the whole time.

I got up and quickly got ready for school. When I looked in the mirror, I saw dark circles under my eyes. I had stayed up until 4 in the morning with Sunghoon on the bench last night. We didn't do much, just looked at the stars and talked, but time flew by so quickly that we didn't realize how late it was.

It was only when the sun started to rise, then Sunghoon really wanted to see the sunrise with me, but I said I was tired, and I don't regret that decision because it allowed me to get 3 full hours of sleep, even though it wasn't nearly enough.

I put on my school uniform and a hoodie, pulling the hood up. I didn't like showing my face. people at school forgot about me but, I still had the fear that someone would remember me, and the hell would start all over again. also i really didn't like my face.

I didn't have any friends at school, or in general, and the only thing that made me happy was music and good food, of course. So that was the only thing I did in my free time.

When I got on the bus, it was completely overcrowded. I was squeezed into a corner and crushed by the crowd. Whether I wanted to or not, I couldn't help but think about how well Stacy my sister is doing right now.

She's successful on social media, making more than enough money and owning various cars. Plus, she has her boyfriend and friends to drive her around.

What am I even thinking? I have no right to be jealous. Jealousy is for mean, desperate people who can't be happy for others. That's not who I am, and I won't sink to that level...

As the bus door opened, I quickly got out and took a deep breath. I noticed that it smelled like rain, and when I looked up, I saw beautiful, differently shaped gray clouds, and I started to smile. I loved the rain it had already improved my mood .

As I walked through the school gate, it was wierdly quiet. Suddenly, I had a bad feeling. What's going on here? Everyone was sitting there quietly, as if they were in shock. What could have happened to put the entire school in such a state?

/As I continued to make my way to the school door, I noticed that I was getting increasingly nervous. When I finally passed through the eerily quiet corridors and sat down at my desk in the classroom, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, I heard a girl talking from behind me. "How could he say that to her in front of the whole school?", "Lia!, how can you even talk about her? Are you insane?" The girl next to her said loudly.

I quickly looked around phew, no one was looking at me. So, it could only mean one thing

Sunghoon and Stacy had a fight.

It happened every now and then, but this level of intensity was unprecedented. I hope they can resolve it amongst themselves.

During the break, I grabbed my lunchbox and rushed out of the room. If I was too slow, my classmates would start commenting on my behavior again. "You're not confident!", "Why do you wear that?","can you even talk?" I didn't feel like dealing with that today, so I ran to the back garden of the school as always .

To get there, you had to climb a wall, but that was okay the main thing was that I could have some peace. But when I jumped down, I  started screaming because I almost landed on a hand.

A small note to myself... "No matter how many times you climb the wall, always look at the ground before you jump."

I was startled once again when I looked at the owner of that hand. Sunghoon? What is he doing here?
He was sleep-shivering on the ground he must be cold and I almost felt sorry for him. Unfortunately, I had to keep going my lunch was waiting for me.

Now, I've been standing here next to Sunghoon for about 10 minutes, wondering what I should do I definitely didn't want to wake him up since he probably had even less sleep than I did, but I also didn't want him to freeze. It's clear that he's cold, but he doesn't have a jacket or a bag with him. I definitely won't give him my jacket without it, my face is exposed, and nuh-uh I'm not that confident.

I looked around, and it struck me that Sunghoon was lying on the grass. I walked around him, collected some grass, and then placed a handful of it on his stomach. Since he was lying on his back, I thought the grass would warm him from both sides.

I was wrong what was I thinking, throwing grass on him like that? He's now covered in grass, dirt, and mud, and there's no way I'm giving him my jacket...

When I entered the classroom, I already knew it. I didn't need to see it all eyes were on me. They didn't know who I was or what I was doing here. They only realized who I was when I sat down at my seat. Of course, my classmates wouldn't recognize me. After all, it was the first time they saw me without a hood covering my face. And all of this was thanks to him.

Sunghoon I hate you.

That was Chapter 3. Until next time, goodbye!

I'M IN LOVE WITH STACY'S BROTHER?|SunSunWhere stories live. Discover now