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Now that I've picked up Jay, we're complete. We knew immediately that we had to celebrate, so we headed out right away.

"Oh my god, guys, wait!?" jungwon screamed "What is it, Jungwon? Did you forget something at home again?" i asked anoyingly

"No, it's worse. What if Sunghoon is sad? After all, he just ended his two year relationship," Jungwon said.

"You said it yourself, Jungwon. He ended it," Niki chimed in. "Besides, he's ice prince Sunghoon so he is cold as ice. I doubt he's ever been sad."

"Guys, we're here, let's get out," Jake said, laughing. "I hope he's not asleep."

"I'll ring the bell!" "No, I will," Niki and Jungwon both run to the gate but Jake pushed them aside and got to rang the bell. After waiting for 10 minutes with no one opening the door, I used the key sunghoon gave me for emergency to unlock it.

We all thought he must be asleep and wanted to surprise him, but when we entered his room, our happy mood quickly turned into worry. Sunghoon sat on his bed, crying. When we whispered his name several times, he didn't even look up from his hands. I told everyone  before that Sunghoon secretly loved Stacy they didn't belived me but look at him now, i knew it  he would never have been in a relationship with her for so long otherwise.

Now, I felt really bad that just moments ago, we were happy about it.

Then it hit me, what if he asks why we're here? Oh my god, Jay is way too honest, and Niki can't read the mood. If one of them says we're here to party, I'll smack them. "Sunghoon!!" Jungwon suddenly screamed loudly, making him look up in shock.Really? Why did you have to scare him like that? "How long have you been here?" Sunghoon asked with a trembling voice, as he had been crying until a moment ago. I couldn't bear this sight anymore, so I sat down on his bed.

"Sunghoon, if it's affecting you so much, why did you break up? Did she do something?" I asked.

"What?" Why.why.why. how can someone be so dumb not to understand my sentence? I had to really hold myself back from hitting him. "Aren't you crying like a baby because you broke up with your girlfriend?" niki asked

"Wh-what? No, it's just that Sunoo called me, and he..." Suddenly, he started crying like a baby again. What's happening? Did something happen to Sunoo?

"Just tell us what's wrong. Did he have an accident or something? Why are you so upset?" Jay asked with concern, and Sunghoon was scaring us more and more as he cried louder. what is wrong with him?

"He called me, and he was crying!" Sunghoon shouted and started crying again. Is that really all? I looked at the guys, annoyed. Why did we even come here?

"Why was he crying?" Niki asked.

"He... he wanted me to get back together with Stacy!" Sunghoon said, crying
"Where did he know about it?" Jake asked, and Sunhoon replied, "Maybe because they're siblings.". Oh no, this is too much. My brain can't process all of this. I didn't want to ask any further, I just wanted to go home.
When I got up, I noticed that everyone was still in shock, Sunghoon included. Why is he looking so shocked again? Oh no, not  again, Sunghoon and his big mouth he always told us everything, and when I say everything, I also mean things he shouldn't have.

"Good luck, Sunghoon. I'm not getting involved anymore I'm too tired. If you need me, I'll be on the couch, or you know what? don't bother me unless you want your head ripped off. Goodnight." I slowly walked past the still stunned guys. Apparently, they still can't handle what they heard. Thankfully, I don't care about anything except sleep and food.


"S-Sunghoon, can you please get back with my sister? Please, can you love her? I'll do anything you want, please, I'm begging you."
My heart sank as his sobbing echoed through the phone. Who made you cry? Slowly, I felt tears welling up in my own eyes. I wanted to tell him that everything was okay, that he didn't need to cry, but a huge lump in my throat made it impossible for me to speak. I just couldn't get a word out. He misunderstood me and cried even more. My heart was racing, And it became increasingly difficult for me to breath normaly, Hearing him cry tore at my heart. I hadn't realized how badly he was feeling.

"Sun-Sunghoon. I'm so ashamed, but please, give her another chance. I'm sure you'll love her." He started crying again. Stop, my heart hurts." It's just that... I-I really think you two are a good match. I promise, everyone will think so, Sunghoon, please, please, Sunghoon, please."

After years, I had finally the feeling to be free. I wouldn't have given up that freedom for anything in the world. So, why... why did I feel like my own happiness wasn't even worth a single tear from him? "Sun, please stop, stop crying, don't worry, if that's what you want, I'll do it. Just please, please stop crying."

After he hung up, I couldn't stop crying. It was like someone was stabbing my heart. I never knew a person could shed so many tears in one day. But what I did know after that day is that I never, never wanted to see him sad again.

I'M IN LOVE WITH STACY'S BROTHER?|SunSunWhere stories live. Discover now