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I strolled back and forth under the starry sky. My head was so full of thoughts that I couldn't sit still. Had I done the right thing by speaking so harshly to Stacy? Regardless of what I said, I would do anything to avoid drifting apart. I couldn't imagine a life without her, even though we constantly argued. Deep in her heart, I knew, or at least thought, that she loved her brother.

Since I had left school, I had been wandering aimlessly. With headphones on to drown out my thoughts, I simply admired the beautiful nature. I had now arrived at the park, our park. How much I wished Sunghoon were here now. But it was probably better that he couldn't see me in this state.

Slowly, I approached the swing and sat down. A cool breeze brushed my face and enveloped my body. It was cool but not too cold. The night smelled heavenly, a refreshing yet soothing scent, as if the night was trying to cheer me up.

The music in my ears made everything better, and I closed my eyes contentedly to savor this moment. I truly loved such small joys in life. They gave me the strength to never give up. They showed how beautiful the little things in life could be. But as soon as I opened my eyes and removed my headphones, the reality catch up with me, and my problems crushed me again.

Slowly, tears began to well up as I remembered what happened today. I didn't know why I was crying. Was it because of the injuries I had received, the fear of what everyone who saw that image would think of me, or perhaps it was because of Stacy? She said she was ignoring me for my own good. In my anger, I hadn't believed her and told her not to lie to me, but now? I wanted to believe so badly that all of this was a misunderstanding, that she didn't hate me for who I am but was only doing it for my well being. Yet, even if I wanted to believe with all my heart, my brain kept telling me that something was wrong

Oh, how much I wished Sunghoon were here. I was sure he would ease my worries and make me laugh. He was my only friend. He told me he would do his best to help me with Stacy. But did I still want that? I was just confused lately. Everything was just too much today, and I really didn't want to run into stacy anymore.

With heavy steps, I stood up and walked in the opposite direction of my house. I just wanted to get as far away from home as possible, just like my parents. I sat at a bus stop and waited for a bus. When one finally arrived, I didn't have the strength to get on.

Luckily, a familiar face got off the bus, immediately giving me relief and joy. It was Sunghoon. He now stood opposite me, looking at me in shock. I really didn't want to know how I looked in this moment, but honestly, I didn't care as long as Sunghoon was by my side.

"Sunoo?" Sunghoon whispered in shock.

"Sunghoon," I whispered back. I really didn't know what to say in this moment. My head and heart was just a mess. Sunghoon quickly understood my situation and helped me up. Suddenly, Sunghoon did something I really hadn't expected, something I hadn't for years.

He hugged me. His hand around my waist and the other on my head, pressed into his neck, allowed me to intensely smell his scent.

Slowly, I felt his scent clouding my mind. A warm feeling of security and comfort overwhelmed me,I closed my eyes and started to enjoy this moment. It felt a feeling I hadn't felt in a while and I quickly started wishing to stay here forever. Slowly, I realized what I was thinking at this moment, and turned strawberry red. Embarrassed, I lowered my head even more into Sunghoon's neck so he couldn't see my red cheeks.

Was that okay?, Just a friendly hug after a tiring day, right? Or was it not okay? Was Stacy right to suspect me? I didn't know the answer. And couldn't think any further about it, when this strange feeling suddenly caught up with me again.

Even as my brain screamed to end the hug after a while, I couldn't. i even started to hug him tighter. I didn't wanted to. I just wanted to stay in the arms of this warmth giving person for a few more minutes.

Slowly I lifted my gaze to meet Sunghoon's eyes, which were filled with genuine concern.

"Sunghoon, can I stay at your place today?"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

(also...the orange blood trailer?😭🤚
It's been a week but i'm STILL Crying )

I'M IN LOVE WITH STACY'S BROTHER?|SunSunWhere stories live. Discover now