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" hah , it's pretty cold " said sanji as he sit on the stone near bonfire beside robin .

" yeah that's because we are at the cold side after all . " said robin while taking a sip from the coffee cup in her hand .

' it's cold . and I am missing zoro . why am I missing him in the first place ? 

arghhhhh whatever I want to hug him ....... kiss him-wait what the hell I am thinking ?! ' thought sanji . 

" sanji are you missing zoro ? " said robin .

sanji looked at robin . 

" huh ? wait robin san did you just--- " 

before sanji can complete his sentence robin chuckled and said " no I didn't read your mind  " .

"it's just clear from your expressions " added robin further while smiling .

" oh " sanji was now blushing thinking how can he miss someone that much that even other can see it on his face .

" well you must be excited " said robin .

sanji smile while looking at black sky upon his head . the stars were looking so beautiful it was so peaceful . 

" yeah its been eight days now " said sanji still admiring the sky .

" I am missing them so much . " added sanji further while standing up . 

" robin chan , you should go in the tent I will guard tonight and I am not feeling like sleeping anyways " said sanji .

" yeah sure " robin stand up .

" well then I will give you and zoro some privacy then " she said while smiling and going inside tent while sanji was all red again because before approaching robin he was talking with zoro and robin noticed and heard it when sanji said " I will call you in ten minute " to zoro .





next day their mission was ended . and they leave from punk hazard to there home . 

they travel from the whole day and finally arrived at night . 

they were all so tired but excited at the same time .

they take out the things from car and went inside the house but for their shock no one was at home and door was locked so they opened the door and went inside while turning on the light .

" hmmm I think they went to somewhere " said franky .

" yeah think so " agreed usopp

' but they knew about our arrival , how strange ' thought sanji .

" oh well lets get refreshed first " said robin .

" yeah I was thinking the same " said brook .

they all agreed and went to their rooms . 

sanji opened the door of his room and as he opened the light he saw something strange . 

his room was empty . and his things were not there as well . he searched but nothing was found in the room . 

he came out and called out for others no one answered . he looked for everyone but no one was there so he went outside in the garden and as he entered in garden , a loud sound grab his attention . 

" firework....." sanji mumble . 

the firework was so beautiful that sanji cannot take off his eyes from sky .

and suddenly he flinched because he felt a warm hand on his waist and pulling sanji close to a hard chest of that certain someone but it was so comfortable that sanji didn't turn around .

" welcome home , sanji  " a soft whisper was enough to make sanji feel butterfly in stomach .

sanji chuckled while staring in his eyes and a soft smile appear on sanji's face " I'm home zoro ". 

my boss's bestfriend is my son's father [zosan]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ