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" what the heck is this situation-" said sanji while looking at his surrounding their is only blood all over luffy covering sora and reiju's eyes and zoro grabbing a long katana soaked in blood .

"hah  what are you doing here ?"asked zoro while glaring at him .

zoro is an dominated alpha and his glare make sanji flinch and sweat .

" what do you think of me ? huh ? a weakling ? , I can defeat you yaa know " said sanji while hidding his tremble from zoro's scent . 

" what do you wanna have a fight you shitty cook " said zoro .

" if you are that eager to getting defeated by me then why not hah ! " said sanji .

 and both of them started to glare at each other when sanji break their eye contact after noticing that sora and reiju were crying and he went to them and hug them tightly .

all this time sanji was trying his best to be a tough papa but seeing his childern trembling and crying in fear his heart break and some tears escape from his eyes .

zoro and luffy stay still there when zoro suddenly cutted the hand of a man who was trying to attack sanji.

" dare to touch them and I'll tell you how hell really look life " said luffy in most scary voice while both zoro and luffy glaring at that person .

after a while zoro , luffy , sanji , sora and reiju return back at home .

" thank you for helping me today I'm so thankful to both of you " said sanji while bowing and sora and reiju in his hands .

" shishishishi don't worry it's okay now , you go inside and rest to " said luffy .

" yeah " said sanji while smiling .

and then he went inside where zeff was all worried and get relieved after seeing his grandchild and son all okay and luffy , zoro left .

in car luffy called someone " hello , robin I want a information of certain someone " said luffy on his phone while his voice all scary and anger in his eyes .

next day 

it was rather like usual days but the difference was today sanji didn't let sora and reiju goschool , instead they were playing inside resturant in front of sanji's eyes .

when zoro and luffy and another man with them came .

" uncle luffy ! uncle zoro ! " in excitement saying so sora and reiju hugged luffy and zoro's leg while both luffy and zoro picking them up and four of them smiling like a light light beam .

" how have you been little kids " asked luffy .

" we are all good " said sora .

" yeah after all we are strong "said reiju with smile .

and then after a little chit chat luffy went to sanji and like always asked him .

" sanji can you be my cook ? " asked luffy .

" yes !" answered sanji 

" okay then what about joining me from today " said luffy while grinning like always .

" sure ." answered sanji while looking at luffy .

" I thought you'd be shocked " said sanji .

" shocked about what ?" asked luffy .

" that I said yes " said sanji .

" why should I ? after all that's the only reason I've being asking the same question for constantly 5 years that someday you'd say yes " answered luffy while griining .

how simple minded luffy can make sanji laugh loudly which confused everyone .

" anyways who's that man " asked sanji while pointing towards a man who was playing with kids with some type of shooting toys .

" oh him he is my friend ussop , he is a nice guy and like children so much " said luffy 

" oh okay so like usual black coffee " asked sanji .

" three please " answered luffy .

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