Chapter Fourteen The National Regeneration of Isreal and The Second Coming

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Jacob's trouble was nearly complete. The Antichrist signed a covenant with Israel for seven years. The seven seals were opened by the Messiah in heaven. John saw it all happen. The rider of the white horse appeared, and a one world government proposed a promise of peace.

The second seal was opened, and a great world war was followed by suffering of famine and double-digit inflation. The fourth seal brought one-fourth of the world's creatures' death.

In Revelation 6:9 and following, we read of the chosen ones, 144,000, from every tribe of Israel who were the evangelist that spurred a worldwide revival. The sixth seal John saw the wrath of God poured out through mighty earthquakes and the seventh seal introduced the first trumpet where one-third of all of the vegetation on earth was burned by fire, hail, and blood.

The second trumpet announced a great mountain of sulfur falling into the ocean and killing all living creatures in it and the third trumpet brought a great star called Wormwood into the waters. One-third of the rivers turned bitter. Many more died.

The fourth trumpet was blown, and God took one-third of the light from the sun, moonlight, and stars. Darkness took control. A special angel flew around the earth warning the inhabitants that the worst is yet to come.

Later came the hideous demon creatures like scorpions that came from the bottomless pit. Mankind sought death but couldn't find it. The sixth trumpet invited two hundred million horsemen who killed one-third of the earth's inhabitants.

Elijah and Moses were brought back to life to minister to the people of Jerusalem for forty-two months. Eventually, the two witnesses were assassinated by the antichrist's troops. In three and one-half days, God brought them back to life and the whole world watched it as they ascended into heaven.

The world was rocked by the assassination of the antichrist and his subsequent resurrection from the dead. The false prophet was introduced, and a one world religion was established.

By this time, the Antichrist had required everyone on earth to register with his government and receive the mark of the beast in order to buy or sell. Satan himself was warring with God in heaven and was cast down to the earth. His minions persecuted the Jews all over the earth. This ended the first three and one-half years of the tribulation, but more was to come.

Joseph spoke to Eliyahu, "So here we are in the middle of the tribulation and the 7th trumpet announced the third woe. The women in the wilderness that is us. Am I right?"

Eliyahu answered, "Yes! Now he, the evil one, is gathering the kings together in Armageddon. Then a loud voice will come from the throne and say, 'It is done,' and then a severe earthquake will split the city into three parts and the cities of the nation will collapse. Millions will die. Many Christians died during this period. We must continue praying to save as many souls as possible."

Joseph answered, "Yes, but how can we escape the Holocaust without the mark of the beast?"

Eliyahu and Joseph continued their conversation in a private area near the main compound.

Eliyahu said, "We will move, hiding as many Christians as possible underground, safe and secure. They will not find us. We have our secret tunnel system in the Petra Fortress. The opening is below ground level so even the satellites won't pick us up. Once we get into the tunnels, we'll meet at Petra Central Headquarters and arrange everyone's living quarters."

Joseph added, "Okay, what about all those people who have lived with us all these years? What will they do?"

Eliyahu answered, "They will remain in Petra village for now, but eventually, we will start moving everyone into the fortress."

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