Chapter Four Martyrdom and the Harlot

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The whole world was in a revival as the sealed ones traveled into the nations. An Innumerable amount of people accepted Jesus or Yoshua as their Messiah. At the same time millions of new Christians were slaughtered by the new world order and the false prophet who got his power from the anti-Christ. Thousands upon thousands died as a result of government-sanctioned murder squads known as Echelon. The killing fields expanded as religious freedoms were removed and public gatherings banned.

The persecution intensified as weapons manufacturing plants sprung up across the globe. Satellite surveillance kept track of every move of every Christian. Millions of Christians lived in hiding in fear of discovery and execution. While they lived in hiding, they struggled to continue their ministry.

However, the sealed ones were stronger than ever. The enemies of the Christians pursued the chosen Jews but to no avail. Their numbers of believers grew rapidly due to martyrs being born and new converts continuing to join the movement. The sealed chose special places to hide and train the disciples in preparation for the end.

The Harlot became angry with the sealed ones and sought to destroy them. He sent minions to poison food supplies in the camps. His agents raped women and girls and then killed them. Children were used to poison others. Anyone who came into contact with poisoned food died instantly. Within weeks, millions of Christians died, including many from the sealed ones' congregations.

Still, the apostles preached without fear of death. They were determined to share the message of salvation until the return of the Messiah. The Harlot had hoped to kill them all but failed. As they carried on with their work, more people joined the sealed ones. They followed Eliyahu and Joseph as their leaders. Hundreds and hundreds of new believers were trained to follow their example and share the Word with their family, friends, and neighbors. The righteous suffered terrible persecution.

The Jewish believers were not exempt. Yet they persevered, enduring tremendous hardship.

One Sunday, the sealed chose a site to hold an open-air service. Thousands of people showed up for worship and to hear the message of Yoshua. There was such excitement in the air as each new believer listened intently to the powerful preaching. After the service ended, the representative met with local leaders and organized committees to prepare the site for the next gathering.

There was much work to be done, yet the desire to preach the Gospel and disciple new believers remained strong. In spite of intense opposition, each of the leaders in each region of the world reached a milestone that enabled the expansion of the kingdom. More disciples joined the church and the number of those listening to the message of salvation increased dramatically. People of all races and creeds listened attentively to Eliyahu, and a growing number were converted.

The harlot couldn't stop the sealed ones message. He tried hard, but he never succeeded.

"Who can stand against Me?"

The false prophet laughed hysterically.

"God cannot save them! I will be the savior!"

He shouted in triumph.

As many people watched in horror, thousands of Israeli soldiers marched into Bethlehem where Christ was born. The Harlot and the priests for the world religion gave orders for mass slaughter. Blood flowed in rivers. Bodies piled up as the soldiers mercilessly murdered the innocent. Many women were gang raped and children were forced to watch their mother's brutal rape and murder. Babies were ripped from their mother's arms and thrown to the ground, their little bodies broken. The soldiers laughed as they cut off heads and cast them into fires. Men and boys were dragged behind horses and burned alive. Women were stripped naked and whipped. Even pregnant women were mutilated and dismembered. The atrocity lasted for hours.

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