Chapter Thirteen The Fall of Jerusalem and Anti-Christ Threatening Yoshua

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The group that lived at Petra including the chosen ones, looked out for each other. They knew the antichrist would be looking to slaughter as much of the Jewish heritage as possible. This was his way of getting back at God and Yoshua. The hatred for the Jewish people and Christians was so strong that he wouldn't hesitate to do whatever was necessary to eliminate anyone who opposed him.

In Petra, with the chosen ones present, the village of believers was fairly safe. Those not sealed stayed close to the fortress and the sealed ones traveled into the communities throughout the holy land telling the masses that Jesus was coming soon and the message of salvation. Many came to know the Lord in a real way. These new believers were vulnerable to the present and coming persecution and death.

Eliyahu and Joseph were aware of the prophecy about the destruction of Jerusalem and were following the progress of the Antichrist and his army who were marching toward the holy city. Each morning the situation was evaluated. They determined the best strategy for securing food, weapons, and clothing for the residents of Petra.

Christmas was approaching and the Christian leaders were hoping to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Joseph was planning a program and gathering together the chosen ones to sing songs of praise. He wanted to include some traditional Christmas carols. He believed that if the people of Israel celebrated this season that it would help prepare them for the upcoming events.

Many of the children helped their parents set up the decorations, but they also wanted to help make presents for their family and loved ones. Everyone enjoyed giving presents, especially the children.

After all the preparations were complete, Joseph felt confident that everyone would be safe during the holidays. However, he also understood the seriousness of the threats against the villagers and their mission. In fact, all of the village elders considered their families and friends to be their priority. They had no intention of abandoning the villagers of Petra to the wrath of the antichrist. They were going to do whatever was necessary to protect their people and most importantly to bring them to salvation through the Messiah.

There was a sense of peace among the chosen ones that only came from knowing that God is with them in their darkest hour. Joseph knew they would do whatever it took to stand against the enemy, and God would guide them in all of their endeavors.

When December 25th arrived, the gates of Petra opened, and everyone was invited to attend a program. As guests walked into the courtyard, Joseph welcomed them. He said, "Thank you for coming. Tonight, we will honor the true meaning of Christmas. We will share good tidings, songs of worship and prayer. Please join us as we reflect upon the hope and promises given to mankind through our Savior."

Several groups sang their favorite songs and led the congregation in singing. Then Eliyahu introduced his niece, Hannah, who sang an original song. She was a gifted musician who also played the guitar. As she began playing her music, the lights dimmed, and she began singing a simple melody. Her sweet angelic voice rose into the night air. Hannah's voice was so beautiful, and her melody brought tears to the eyes of the audience.

Joseph could feel their hearts being touched by her music. When she was done singing, Joseph stepped forward and spoke with reverence.

"My dear friends, tonight we celebrate the birth of our Savior. This baby born in Bethlehem was sent to earth by God the Father so that man could know and receive eternal life. When we sing about the Savior, we rejoice that God sent His Son to this earth to save us from our sins. We thank Him for bringing us back to the truth. God loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to suffer and die in our place so that we may live forever."

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