"Even if a wife works, we aren't allowed to take any money from her."

"When wife's money is theirs and we are no one to ask them about it or snatch the money forcefully. Do you think their father's money is acceptable on us."

"When they I mean wives want to spend their money willing for house then it's their choice we can't force them in anything, and if she lovingly wants to spend it on you and your children then don't cut her down, it's hers and she can use it accordingly."

"But keep one thing in mind, do give them proper knowledge about Islam so they don't spend it on haram things. Our spouse is our responsibility and we are answerable if they aren't religious. We need to educate them and if she is also educating you then do not bring that ego. We can seek knowledge from child so what's wrong when it's come to our wives."

"This dowry system is cultural it's not religional, our Islam strictly prohibit it."

Everyone was listening it keenly.

"And one more important thing, it's not her duty to do household chores."

This sentence made the chattering to start among themselves.

"Did you anywhere read that our prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam asked his wives to do any kind of house chores be it making a single meal?"

The answer came in negative.

"Our beloved prophet Muhammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to do his work on his own, he used to wash his own clothes, wash the utensils, he even used to sweep his house and used to prepare his own meal."

"So who are we? When the king's of King, Prophet's of prophet did his own work who are we?"

"Never force your wife in doing household chores, she is your responsibility. You have to take care of her food and expenditure. You need to fulfill her wishes and even after knowing all her rights by Islam she does all the work why?"

"To get that simple appreciation, simple happy face of yours instead we taunt her, we humiliate her and what not. When you aren't doing your own work atleast appreciate the one who does it and do help her."

"Imam, then what are the duties of wives?"

"According to Islamic teachings, a wife is expected to be obedient to her husband in matters that do not go against the teachings of Islam. This obedience is seen as a way of showing respect, love, and support toward her husband and give proper education and teachings of Islam to their offspring."

"Imam, my wife died two years ago and I remarried and have a child with my second wife. It is not wrong with any aspect then why do they don't allow women to do same when their husband dies."

"It's again a cultural doing not the regional, both men and women have right to marry after their death of spouse. It isn't wrong in any way, both of them have right to move on and marry."

"Why do women grieve more then men?"

"It is just the saying, both can grieve but as the women show their feelings and emotions we assume that they grieve more than men and the reason to this is they are emotional creatures and get attached easily to their relations whereas men are practical beings and they try to move on fast without going in depth."

"But deep down as men we all know what is grieving, we doesn't show it to anyone except our lord. But in both the cases grieving shouldn't exceed more than 3 days as it extract the negativity easily and we forget the blessings of Allah and get in depression."

"We have to believe in what Allah does is best for us and he is all seeing and knowing. Just know that even a leaf doesn't fall without his command so whatever he does is for our betterment."

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