Chapter 17.

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"You are so beautiful and today you are looking so classy and elegant as my wife infront of the whole world." His words were countinously roaming in her mind making her blush and her body to feel butterflies.

He told this during their dance and now they are sitting talking to the guests. He called the waiter and ordered him something

"Excuse me." He excused himself after some time and got up from his seat forwarding his hand towards Eira.

She looked at him confused, he just signed her to take his hand and she eventually did after rolling her eyes at him.

He exited the hall and was going in some private place.

"Alex, where are we going?"

He just shrugged with a smirk.

"Slow down, I can't walk fast in this." She was walking slowly because of her gown.

He looked at her and nodded slowing down his pace, he opened a random door and took her inside. He went behind her and untied the knot of her niqab.

"Alex what are you doing move." She sternly said trying to move from him.

"You haven't eaten a bite from noon, now sit here and eat comfortably no one is there and there are no cameras."

He took off her niqab and carefully placed on the nearby chair. He held her shoulders from behind and made her sit on the chair.

The table was well decorated with multiple food which they served for the guests. There was a cake too.

She got stunned for few minutes listening him. She never thought he could care for her like this, he would even notice her in the crowd. She never thought he even have time to notice this small small things of her.

He took a seat infront of her and started serving her, she was busy in staring at him without blinking. She was thinking this as a dream.

"I know love, I'm handsome but start eating." He said with a wide smirk.

She coughed and looked down at her plate making him chuckle.

They both started eating their food with some little talk, Eira was just responding to his questions and just humming in response. No matter what is going on she wasn't able to forget that forceful kiss.

"Tigress?" He called snapping her from her thoughts.

"Yes." She replied taking a bite of beef steak.

"You are not yourself something bothering you?"

She shook her head " No." She replied shortly not wanting to spoil their moods. She was glad of this dinner so she decided not to spoil it.

Even though he apologised her numerous time but it was just some hours thing, she needs time to totally forget it.

"Did you like the reception? Do you want to go back?"

"I enjoyed it, no I can stay for some more time."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded sipping her juice. He forwarded the cake to her after she completed her food. She took a bite and her eyes widen tasting it.

"Isn't it delicious?" He asked with a chuckle looking at her surprised expression. He was admiring her.

"Delicious? It's mind-blowing." She said absentmindedly taking another bite unnoticed that she is attracting the monster more and more. His love for her was increasing more.

"Aren't you eating?" She asked looking at his empty plate.

"No, I'm already full."

"How can someone say no to cake." She thought loudly making him chuckle.

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