Chapter 40.

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Alex entered his Mafia room and a smirk creep up on his face looking at the wall.

There were fingers framed in a glass box and another frame contained two wrists and a pair of eye balls.

On the top of that it was written as
'The destiny of those who even try to lay their fucking eyes on my wife.'

He framed it as if it's a trophy, but he was succeeded in one thing the fear in the men's eyes would satisfy him.

Whenever they enter his room they would shudder looking at those frames.

A knock came snapping him back to reality, the thoughts of Eira was a huge distraction in his work. He got addicted of her and even a mere thought of her would bright up his face.

"Get in."

Daniel came inside, he removed his mask and looked at Alex's victory wall.

"Who tried to lay their eyes on Queen?" He ask with a smirk.

"Some over excited bastard." Alex mumbled.

"Okay, this Peterson is trying to cross his limits. I doubt that he got connections with someone powerful."

"Peterson? What do you mean by that?"

"Look at this."

Daniel forwarded a file and a paper to Alex.

Alex looked at it and clenched his jaw, he tore the paper into tiny tiny pieces and throwed it on the floor.

The paper contain a letter or more precisely a warning a threat, it was about Eira stating that they will kill her if he doesn't give the King's position.

They even wrote some ill words about Eira and stated that Eira is his only weakness and they will take advantage of her.

"Time to fill the wall with another trophy." Alex's eyes turned red in rage.

He took his phone and dialled Eira's number. She picked it in 4th ring.

"Assalam ul alaikum lex." Her cheerful voice came from the other side making his body to relax.

"Where are you?"

"At the hospital. Why?"

"Exact location Eira."

"In my cabin sitting on the couch while looking at some patient's charts. This is the 8 breath I took after picking your call and my heart beat I guess 65 beats per minute. My head isn't aching nor does any other part if we talk about other symptoms.."

Alex started laughing making Daniel's eyes widen.

"You are the defination of craziness." He said with a chuckle shaking his head.

"Stop stressing out lex I'm fine and those two monster like bodyguards of yours are such a headache. They aren't even letting me go anywhere."

He chuckled listening her annoyed voice.

"Don't you dare give them a tough time, they are just following my orders."

"You really think I can do anything to them, they are double no no triple of my size, I literally had to tell them I'll be fine in my own cabin and there aren't any robbers or murders. You know they checked my cabin twice TWICE with their guns then allowed me inside my own cabin. Like Alex my OWN CABIN. Now they knock every half an hour to listen my voice, as if they can't breath if they don't listen to my voice, they are so stubborn. Tell them Alex not to distrub me every half an hour."

She started her complaining sessions and on the other side Alex was grinning like a creep listening her drama. Daniel smiled looking at him.

"Alexxx stop laughing and end my misery. I'll inject something to them in the name of checkup if they keep disturbing me every now and then..." She was ranting more but she heard a knock.

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