chapter 53

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"Meredith" a guy comes over to me in the hallway. "Yeah?" I smile at him. He's a little cute nerdy guy. "I think you should come outside" he says quietly. "What's up?" I follow him.

He leads me out to the field. "What's going on?" I frown as I see the PE teacher yelling at derek. "He's trying to force derek to run with the rest of the class" he says. "What the fuck" I walk over to them.

"Go and get a teacher!" I say to the guy. He runs away. "What are you doing?!" I ask. "Meredith, you're supposed to be in your own lesson" the teacher looks at me.

"He can't run, he's not got the strength yet" I say. "I'm sorry mer, I tried to tell him but he kept yelling at us" izzie says quietly.

I grab Derek's hand and pull him away. "Derek, if you leave this lesson you're getting a detention!" The teacher yells. "Leave him the hell alone!" I yell.

"Derek, are you okay?" I ask as we stop walking and he sits on a bench outside the school. He's literally shaking. He really gets nervous when people yell at him.

"Its okay, I'm here" I hug him. He literally looks like he's about to cry. "I'm sorry" he hugs me. "Why are you sorry?" I whisper. "For not saying anything" he immediately starts crying.

"No, der.. don't be sorry" I rub his back. He keeps his face hidden in my shoulder. "Breathe, derek.. deep breaths" I whisper. He takes a few deep breaths.

I pull away from him and grab my bag. I pull out his inhaler and hand it to him. He takes a few puffs.

I run over to the teacher as I see her walking over. I tell her exactly what just happened and she goes straight over to the PE teacher and pulls him aside. I can tell she's really angry at him.

I go back over to derek. "I love you" I sit next to him and hug him. He hugs me back. "I'm sorry, mer" he apologises again. "Stop saying sorry, honey" I whisper.

I put my hands on his cheeks and wipe his tears. I kiss his cheek. He frowns, looking down.

"Can I take him home?" I ask as the teacher walks over. "Yes.. I'm so sorry sweetheart, I promise you don't have to do anything until you're fully ready" she looks at him.

He looks at me for help. "Thanks, miss" I stand up. He holds my hand. He stands up.

"Is he alright?" She asks quietly. "Yeah, he'll be fine.. he just wants to go home" I say. "Yeah, I want to go with meredith" he clings onto my arm. We leave. I drive him back home.


We're in bed. I'm sat next to him, cuddling him. Hes not spoken much since we got home. The bedroom door opens. I smile as mark walks in.

"Hey" he walks over. "Hello" Derek says. Mark sits next to him and hugs him. I smile wider as derek hugs him back. "Are you okay?" Mark pulls away. Derek nods. "Okay cool" mark says.

"Meredith yelled at a teacher and got him fired" he says. "I heard" mark grins at me. I giggle.

"I'm going to get a drink" he climbs off of the bed. "Derek" I stop him. "Oh, mark would you like anything?" He asks. "No thanks" mark smiles. He goes.

"Is he actually okay?" Mark asks. "He is now I think, but he was really shaken up earlier" I say.

"He could've really injured himself if he actually tried to run.. that teacher is an absolute idiot" mark says. "I know" I sigh.

"He'll be really happy that you came over to see him.. its really sweet of you" I smile. "He doesn't seem too happy" he says. "Have you met derek? He hugged you and smiled at you.. he's very happy" I chuckle. He smiles.

He walks back in. "Derek, what happened?" I sigh as I see the massive stain down his shirt. Mark laughs. "The tap squirted everywhere when I turned it on" he sits next to me.

"Come here" I hold his hand. He whines, following me to the closet. "Put this on instead" I hand him a new shirt. He changes into it.

"Good boy, go and sit down" I say. He sits on the bed. I go downstairs to grab a few things.

I go back up. They both turn silent as soon as I walk in. "Were you talking about me?" I ask. "No" mark says. "Yes" Derek says. I sit on the bed and put the snacks infront of us.

"After you have sex with a girl.." Derek looks at mark. "Yeah?" Mark chuckles. "Does she steal all of your clothes?" He asks. I grin.

"Derek, you should like that she steals your shirts" mark says. "Why?" He asks. "Because she looks hot in them.. plus, everyone will know that she's got a boyfriend if she starts wearing your shit out in public" mark says.

"But.. these are my socks" he points at my feet. "And my shirt" he points at my stomach. "And my joggers" he points at my leg. "And my bracelet!" He points at my wrist. I grin.

"Meredith" mark chuckles. "She steals everything!" He exclaims. "You could steal my stuff if you wanted" I say. "I don't want any of your stupid stuff" he says. I giggle.

"Talking about girls" mark smiles as his phone starts ringing. "I gotta go" he stands up. "Bye" I say. "Goodbye" Derek says. Mark waves at us as he leaves.

"You wanna take your clothes off of me?" I run my hand up his thigh. I smile as he leans in and kisses me.

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