chapter 17

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I get woken up by meredith shaking me gently. "Derek" she whispers. "What?" I open my eyes slowly. I sit up as I notice she's crying.

"Can I stay with you for a bit please?" She sobs, wiping her tears. I nod. She climbs into my bed next to me.

"Did someone say your hair looks stupid?" I hug her hesitantly. "No.. does it look stupid!?" She sobs. "" I say. She cries into my shoulder.

"Meredith" I say. "Please.. please just don't say anything.. you're just gonna make it worse" she sniffles. "But it's important" I say.

"I'm just gonna go.. I'm sorry that I'm getting tears on your shirt a-and making your bed smell like me.. I'm sorry" she gets up. "No" I hold her hand.

She looks down at me. "I was just going to say that I-I love you.. and I'm glad that you come here to be with me when you're upset.. and stuff" I say awkwardly. "Oh" she says.

She cries more, climbing back into bed. "I love you too" she sobs into my shoulder. "Ok" I pat her back.

"Meredith" I say. "Yeah?" She wipes her nose. I hold her arm before she can put her snotty hand back on my bedsheets. I grab hand sanitizer from my bed table and squeeze it on her hand. She rubs it in.

"Why are you so distraught?" I ask. "My life is crap.. my mom hates me half the time because I'm a screw up, I don't have any friends other than you and I have a boyfriend who's probably not even actually in love with me" she sobs.

"Why wouldn't I be in love with you?" I ask. "You've never been great with emotions derek, how are you expected to even know the difference between love and being in love with someone" she whispers.

"But I am in love with you! I-I love you.. you're the best girlfriend. You're the only person I could ever be in a room with for a long time without making me want to rip my own head off" I say. She chuckles.

"And.. and you're the person who's always been there for me and has understood me the most.. I know the difference.. and I'm in love with you" I say.

She looks into my eyes. My cheeks go pink. "Or.. whatever" I mumble, looking down.

"You really love me" she whispers. "No.. I hate you" I mumble. "You do! You love me! Honeeyyy" she giggles, hugging me. "Stoppp" I whine.

She pushes our lips together. She puts her hands on my cheeks. She pulls away slowly. "Thankyou for putting up with me" she whispers. "Mhm.. its okay I guess" I say.

"Derek" she chuckles. "Oh, you're not annoying" I say, realising what she's hinting at. She laughs.

"Why do you think your mom hates you?" I ask. "She told me she does.. because I failed my biology exam.. we started arguing and she was yelling and stuff" she says.

"That biology exam was easy.. are you stupid?" I say. "Derek!" She whines. "Sorry" I say.

I yawn. "I'm sorry I'm keeping you up, I'll go" she whispers, kissing my head. "No, its okay.. stay here" I say. "Really!?" She asks shocked. I nod.

She smiles. "Ontop of the covers, with your own pillow.. at the other side of the bed" I say. "Fine" she giggles, grabbing a blanket and a pillow. She moves to the other side so I can sleep on the left.

"How do you sleep on your back?!" She says as I close my eyes. "Its more comfortable for my back.. because of my legs" I say. She rolls onto her back, closing her eyes. I close mine.

"Nope, so uncomfortable" she says, moving again. I open my eyes, looking at her. "I need something to cuddle when I'm sleeping" she grins at me.

"N-" I say. "I guueeess I can cuddle you" she hugs me. I whine. She cuddles her face into my neck. "You smell so good" she mumbles.

I stare at the ceiling as she wriggles around in my arms until she eventually falls asleep. I try to go to sleep but can't. I put a pillow over my ears to block out her snoring.

I whine. I gently roll her over to the other side of the bed. I gasp as she falls off, onto the floor. I close my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"Ow" she whines. She gets up. "Hey, idiot.. I know you're awake" she says. I open my eyes slowly. "Why did you push me off of the bed!?" She giggles.

"I didn't mean to" I say. She grabs a pillow, hitting me with it. "Hey!" I grab it, hitting her back. She jumps back onto the bed.

"Don't push me" she giggles, cuddling back into me. I sigh quietly. She falls back asleep. I whine as she starts snoring again. 

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