chapter 3

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Derek's pov:
"Derek wake up" I hear faintly. I open my eyes. I groan as I realise she's ontop of me, straddling my thighs. "Get off" I mumble tiredly.

"We have schoooollll" she hovers over me, biting my cheek. "Stop!" I say. "Fine" she giggles, rolling off of me.

"I need a shower" I sigh. "Your mom isn't here.. she's at work" she says. I look at her. "No!" She giggles.

"I'm not helping you, what if I accidentally see your thingy" she covers her mouth with her hand. "My mom helps me into the shower idiot, you think I don't wear trunks?" I say. "Oh" she says.

"I'll get the water at the right temperature for you" she says. She walks out. She comes back soon after. I'm already in my wheelchair in my trunks. I go to the bathroom as she grabs some towels.

"I'm gonna get wet" she sighs. She pulls off my shirt that she stole yesterday, staying in her bra and panties.

"Are you sure you're strong enough?" I ask. "Honey I've got you" she smiles, wrapping her arms around my waist as I wrap mine around her neck loosely so I don't hurt her.

She gets me onto my shower chair. "Do you need me to do anything else?" She asks. "Yes can you get the bottles?" I point at them. She passes me my shampoo, conditioner and shower gel. I thank her.

"Okay get out" I say. "Okay.. yell when you're done" she smiles, leaving after putting her clothes back on.

Twenty minutes later I'm done showering. "Meredith!" I yell. She walks in. She helps me back out and helps me get ready.

"Damn we're gonna be late" she sighs. "I can be as late as I want.. teachers don't question it" I point at my wheelchair. She smiles, shaking her head.

She sighs. "Are you sad again or angry?" I ask. "I don't know.. I have to see finn today in school" she says, applying her lipgloss.

"And that slut he was kissing" she says. "Katy is actually really nice" I say. She glares at me. "F-for a whore" I say. She giggles, grinning. "You're the best" she says. I smile.

We grab our things and my dad drives us to school. We walk in and go to our first class. She sits next to me as usual.

"Did you do your homework?" She asks. "There was homework!?" I ask. She giggles, shaking her head. I sigh. "Ass" I say. She laughs.

Merediths pov:
"Your laugh is so annoying.. do you ever shut up?" A guy turns around. "Her laugh isn't annoying" Derek says.

"Aww, look at him protecting his girlfriend" he says to his friend. "Like he could get a girl" his friend chuckles. "Shut the fuck up! I don't know why you're talking, sir ginger and Mr specky four eyes" I say.

They turn back around. "Assholes" I mumble. I see derek frown. "Ignore them" I whisper.


It's now lunch time and me and derek didn't have the last 2 classes together so I meet him in the cafeteria.

"Hey loser" I walk over to him, sitting at his table. He doesn't reply. "Hey" Cristina sits with us. Cristina has also been a close friend since I was little. Her and derek don't speak as much but she's nice to him.

"Hi" I smile. "I want a girlfriend" Derek says randomly. We both look at him shocked. "Who?" I ask. "I don't know" he says.

"Derek, is this about what those idiots said earlier?" I ask. "Yes" he says. "You don't even like people hugging you.. and you really think you're ready for a relationship? You know people in relationships kiss and eventually have sex, right?" I say.

"Can you even have sex?" Cristina asks. "Cristina!" I say. "Sorry, just asking" she says.

"You had a boyfriend.. how did you get it?" He asks. "Sweetie I just don't think it's a good idea" I say. "Meredith" he says.

"I'm asking nicely for your help" he smiles awkwardly. I smile, my head tilting to the side. "Fine" I say. "Good" he leaves the table. I sigh.

"I think I know someone who'd like to be his girlfriend" Cristina says. "What? Who?" I ask. She raises her brow. "Oh shut up" I say. She chuckles. I laugh.

"I should go.. he doesn't like being in elevators by himself incase it breaks down" I stand up. "Okay" she chuckles. I go after him.

"Hey speedy, wait for me" I walk into the elevator with him. "Oh, thankyou.. I don't-" he says. "Like riding elevators alone.. I know" I smile.

"How do you know if a girl likes you?" He asks. "Um, I guess she's nice to you.. she'll probably try to touch you as much as she can, meaning hugs and stuff.. and she'll do nice things for you" I shrug.

"But nobody does any of those things" he says. I chuckle softly. "Well they will, when you put yourself out there and talk to girls" I say.

"I don't know how" he says. "Der, just point out to me which girl you like and I'll talk you up to them.. promise" I say. "Okay" he sighs in relief.

"Try and make it one of my friends though, because all the other people in this school fucking hate me" I chuckle. "Yeah, I know" he chuckles. I frown. We get to the floor and we go to our next class.

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