Interlude 6: Stare at the abyss and it shall stare back

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In an ocean of dark water there seemed to be a a man sitting on his knees, teal green hair and piercing yellow eyes with clothes that showed that he was a warrior. He turned to look down towards the dimly lit water from the light of who knows where and saw a reflection.

The so called "reflection" seen through the water had not been the same , the figure and body were exactly the same except for one main thing, a oni mask was put over the other figure its eyes filled with green light and its shape made from a master craftsman and a aura of darkness surrounding it, with it also seeming to be in pain.

He reached a hand to the reflection as he was suddenly pulled to the other side of the water the side his reflection was in, shocked he stood up  and looked at the masked version of himself, slowly it picked itself up and took a long deep stare at him and said his voice sounding deluded "You can not hide farther, Istaroth's blessing for you shall not last, I have already found you Xiao- no Alatus as you are called once again" it said as it jumped on him and choked him , his mind tearing apart at the pain.

Xiao woke up in  cold sweat "haa~" he could not rest the Loufu was being attacked as he gasped from his mouth "It must of been a nightmare" he said convincing himself as he took up his cloud knight spear and went back on the front lines, not even bothering to affirm himself to the rest of the cloud knights.

Author's note:
Im sorry for not updating and only releasing this small chapter but hope you enjoyed I'll be prett busy for the next week but after that expect more chapters.

The true fun begins with the next few chapters ahead anyways what did you think and as always remember to comment and vote if you liked it.

signing out - space time

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