



Yet I had yet to fall into a slumber, not even a moment went by where drifting off to sleep came about.

I hadn't to acknowledge Pansy as she had come back during the period of my failed attempt at a peaceful sleep. I didn't want to say anything let alone hear anything, so I kept my eyes closed for as long as I could.

At this point multiple hours had passed since the last time I had checked my clock. I only knew this because Pansy had left to what seemed to be a few hours prior and just now came into the room.

Her presence slowly made its way to my bed.

My eyes shot open as a massive pinch came from my cheek.

"Bloody hell Malia, I thought you died!"

Pansy let out a breath she had been holding, flinging herself onto me.

"No I'm not dead."

I wish I were, maybe I could sleep.

"Amalia, I think you may need some time back at home."

Pansy grabbed my hand into hers, rubbing small circles with her thumb on the back of my hand.

"Pansy, I'm okay, we only have a few more weeks, I'll be fine."

Pansy's face dropped in disbelief.

"You aren't, but if that's what you want to do, I'll help you."

She gave me a small smile and a quick kiss on the cheek.

Smiling back and returned back to my original position. Pansy was right, maybe being away at home would help, being anywhere else but here would, but I can't show how weak I am, especially since I had already let my guard fall during the morning hours with Theo.

Pansy left yet again and I used that as my own personal clock to know how long I would be stuck in this continuous loop. Looking at my own clock would just make me even more weary.


A knock came from the door. I had fallen asleep, it was short lived by the looks of it but I had successfully fallen asleep, had is the key word, all thanks to the conveniently annoying person who had awoken me.

Trying my best to ignore the person, I closed my eyes yet again, focusing on one thing, sleep.
The knocks became more aggressive and more frequent until I could no longer take it.

Throwing my blanket off in a heat of rage, I stomp to the door, almost ripping it off of its hinges to tear into the person before me.

It was Snape.

Instinctively my shoulders pushed themselves back and my posture was as solid as a soldiers.

"Yes professor, I apologize I was-"

"Asleep, I know."

Closer | A Theo Nott Enemies to Lovers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now