Hashira headcannons

Start from the beginning

Her mother works as a healer in St. Mungo's, and her father works in the Department of Mysteries. Has a younger sister.

Teachers' impression of her

Like her younger sister, she's a helpful girl. I think she has a fan club too, but made up of boys. A very responsible prefect as well. Is seen with Shinazugawa most of the time. They get along well, although Shinazugawa seems very hot-tempered.

Overall personality

Cool-headed. She always has a smile on her face and is normally the one to calm other people down. Has extraordinary willpower which was shown when she studied like hell when her O.W.Ls came up.

Sanemi Shinazugawa

House: Gryffindor
Blood status: Half-blood
A sixth-year who's a Beater for his Quidditch team.

Both his parents work in the Ministry. His mother is in the Department for Magical Transportation while his father is an Auror well-known for being quite violent with uncooperative criminals.

Teachers' impression of him

Kind of a bully, but not really a bully. Intimidates others easily with his terrifying glare, but seems unnaturally docile when talking to the older Kocho. An excellent Beater, for some reason. Maybe because he channels all that anger into his bat.

Overall personality

A real softy with a hard exterior. Loves Quidditch because he gets to hit things without being punished. Doesn't like fake people and will call out bullshit without hesitation.

Muichiro Tokito

House: Ravenclaw (He angered the Hat while insulting it for being slow to Sort him, so the Hat always glares at him every year.)
Blood status: Half-blood
A third-year who's a Seeker for his Quidditch team.

Both his parents work as Aurors in the Ministry. Has an older twin brother.

Teachers' impression of him

He looks dazed and air-headed, but spots the Snitch quickly. He doesn't pay attention in class, but gets good grades. A person that you can expect the unexpected from. His record is catching the Snitch within five minutes. Very popular even though he doesn't talk much.

Overall personality

Quiet but can get really scary when provoked. Secretly knows lots of vulgar words but doesn't use them, preferring to chant them over and over in his head at the person who's annoyed him. Insanely smart and isn't as innocent as he seems.

Mitsuri Kanroji

House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: Half-blood
A third year who's a Chaser in her Quidditch team.

Her parents run a restaurant in Diagon Alley. Has five siblings.

Teachers' impression of her

Extremely cheerful and chatty. But she seems to lack confidence for some reason. Her assignments are neat and talking to her makes you feel happier. She motivates other people often.

Overall personality

Bubbly and has many friends. She also tries to befriend the quieter ones because she doesn't want to see anyone being left out. She's not very confident because she thinks her great strength and enormous appetite is weird for a girl.

Obanai Iguro

House: Slytherin
Blood status: Pure-blood
A third year who has a pet snake that isn't allowed in Hogwarts. The teachers don't know.

Both his parents run a pet shop in Diagon Alley. 

Teachers' impression of him

Hmmm...he's pretty quiet? But his glare's pretty scary, and he has very rare eyes. A great student, surly and irritable at times. Carries all the values of Slytherin house, but has a kind nature.

Overall personality

Doesn't like to interact with people, because he thinks they're not that good to talk to. Hates people, kind of antisocial. Mitsuri's an exception. Likes the library. He goes there looking for books on snakes and stuff like that.

Kyojuro Rengoku

House: Gryffindor
Blood status: Half-blood
A fourth year who's a Chaser for his Quidditch team.

His family basically owns the Floo network because they invented it.

Teachers' impression of him

Loud, but not in a bad way. It's just the way he speaks. Friendly and easygoing. Never loses his temper. Is good friends with Uzui and Shinazugawa, for some reason.

Overall personality

Yells out every sentence and is passionate about Quidditch. He reads up about the sport and is always seen practising in the pitch. Not exactly a rulebreaker, but sometimes he just breaks them by accident. Is banned from the library unless he goes in with tape on his mouth.


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