Lya - Genshin Impact

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Fandom - Genshin Impact

Name (Full) - Lya Vivienne

Name Meaning - Weary; Alive

Nicknames - Poppy (Jiahao)

Pronouns - She/her

Birthday - November 22

Age - Chronologically - 119,  Biologically - 20-ish

Species - Kitsune

Appearance - Picture <3 5'3

Outfits - Fontaine guard outfit, her main outfit, alt outfit with parasol

Sexuality - Poly pansexual

Crush? - 3, 7

Friends - Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, Furina,

Enemies - 6?

Family - Arlecchino, Jiahao, Blasie, Kazuya, Kiko, Marisha

Personality - Overly anxious, hides behind her mask, quiet, completely in love (3 and 7), wants to be an actor but has stage fright

Likes - Physical contact with friends (helps ground her), theater, Furina (she's a fangirl frfr), acting, cloudy days, long walks, quiet scenery

Dislikes - Taking her mask off in front of people, eating in front of people, large crowds, loud noises, storms/rain

Fears - Claustrophobia, Anthropophobia, Atychiphobia, Astraphobia

Habits - Fidgeting with her skirt or gloves, stutters while speaking

Tools/weapons - Elemental abilities, bow

Objects of importance to them - Mask and electro vision

Backstory - 

Occupation - Furina's personal guard

Association - Fontaine

Playlist - 

Powers - 
- Illusions
- Shapeshifting (Mainly between human and fox forms)
- Possession
- Can control electro to a limit
- Can speak to foxes

Trivia -


Art of the OC (By me):

Art of the OC (By me):

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Guard outfit (minus the hat, plus the mask)

Guard outfit (minus the hat, plus the mask)

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Art of the OC (By others):

Hollow-Wood - OCsWhere stories live. Discover now