Ecko - Marvel

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Fandom - Marvel (World 3512)

Name (Full) - Ecko Jean Cadell

Nicknames - Ko, Storm

Superhero Name - Storm-Spider

Reason for Superhero Name - Her powers

Pronouns - She/her

Birthday - June 2

Age - 21

Species - Human

Appearance - Ecko has tan skin and a round face. She has freckles under her round evergreen eyes. Her hair is wavy and medium length. Blue streak through the right side. She's average height. She's got pretty wide hips and chest.

Outfits - Her civilian outfit is a green-blue shirt that slips off one shoulder and black leggings. She has a red jacket tied around her waist and she wears sneakers. Her superhero outfit is a full spandex suit. It has a web design on the arms down and the legs down. The suit is a light gray to a black going from the top to the bottom. It has blue designs around and a spider symbol on the chest. The designs on it are very sharp and edgy, like lightning. She also has spider headphones and a jacket. As well as sneakers.

Sexuality - Lesbian

Crush? - She's engaged to Kaisa

Friends - Kaisa, Gwen, Daisy, Doreen, Kamala, Rere, Dante, America, Rayshaun, Peter, Ned, MJ

Enemies - Hala, Exile

Family - Derek (Father), Sophie (Mother), Will (Older Bro) (short for wilber, not william, ObViOuSlY), Hector (Younger Bro)

Personality - Ecko is adaptable and learns quickly. She's calm and quick-witted. When she's backed into a corner and forced to retaliate then she does it with great might. She will hide her injuries and fatigue to the point of passing out because she doesn't want people to worry about her. She is strong-willed and has a sharp wit with dark and playful jokes and a sly sense of sarcasm.
She loves talking with people and is not afraid to meet new people. She sees the good and potential in people and wants others to see it in themselves as well. She's very loyal and will defend her friends fiercely. She works hard to be someone people can count on. She's always willing to give someone she trusts another chance. She takes betrayal hard.
Ecko's kind and loves helping people. She really loves animals and likes to help them as well. She loves to try and learn new things and pushes through her hardships with a smile and a joke. She works hard to be the person her friends can count on. She loves to joke and play around with other people.
She is confident in her abilities and wants to make her friends confident in themselves.
Ecko has a softer side that is shown around those she trusts a ton. This softer side deals with more emotions and more playful jokes. She will feel more comfortable admitting her injuries to those who she trusts not to see her as a burden.
Ecko lovvvveeeesssss music! She plays the guitar and will listen to any enjoyable music. She wants to be a guitarist and cheer people up with her music. Playing the guitar is her natural high and gives her a lot of joy.
Ecko didn't want to be a superhero. She was happy with her life before she was a superhero and wishes she never got her powers. But, taking after the example of Ghost-spider and Dagger and Cloak, she became a hero.
As Storm-spider she tries to help the little people out with the villains like bullies, muggings, and loneliness, though she will help other heroes out with the bigger villains. She has no interest in working with SHIELD or the Avengers. She only agreed to work with the Secret Warriors at times because she's good friends with Daisy (they used to date) and now the rest of the time. She helps the police and firefighters with needed things as well.

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