Aurelia - Hollow-Wood

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New sona!

Fandom - Hollow-Wood

Name (Full) - Aurelia

Name Meaning - Aurelia, meaning 'golden,' reminiscences of the gold and yellow leaves of the autumn season.

Nicknames - Auri, Lia

Pronouns - She/her

Birthday - September 26

Species - Fox

Appearance - Auttum Space Fox (DESIGNED BY N0Signatur3)

Outfits - She wears a plaid scarf during the fall and winter

Sexuality - Pansexual

Crush? - N/A

Friends - Splash, Quick, Azalea, Amani

Enemies - None

Family - Mostly unknown, though she does have two pet rats

Personality - Aurelia has a very... mixed personality. She is a mysterious fox, and doesn't talk about herself much, especially not with someone she's not close to. She is very loyal, but it takes a while for her to label someone as a friend. Once she does label someone as a friend, she trusts them wholeheartedly, and will usually not notice if they're toxic or rude. Once they've broken her trust, she will almost never forgive them. Eventually, she'll label a friend as family.
Aurelia is protective and will hold grudges against anyone who hurts her friends or family for years. She'll be passive aggressive (borderline mean) to them, but won't go out of her way to murder them or something. She's a bit of a push over in other relationships, and can't always say what she wants to say or stand up to close friends. This is mostly due to her anxiety.
Aurelia does not usually talk about her own problems except with best friends and family. Since she has anxiety, she does not feel comfortable sharing, as she worries about what people will think about her and her problems.
Aurelia has anxiety and a lot of it is social. She gets nervous around people because of it, and doesn't love socializing or group events. Even with her anxiety, she is courageous in the way that she pushes herself to do things that make her anxious. It helps that her friends and family are also helping her over come her anxiety. 
Aurelia is mature and quiet. She doesn't talk or joke around much. She always seems very melancholy and sad.
Aurelia has nostalgic yearning. She wishes she was still a kid and living in the simpler times when she didn't have to worry all the time. Back when things were easier and just so joyful and full. Even if she wishes she could go back, she has mostly accepted the life she is currently living, and is trying to have a renewed optimism of the present and future.
Aurelia is embracing the present and trying to savor every moment of her life before it's spent. She doesn't want to waste her life doing needless things, and instead wants to live her life to impact people in a good way and enjoy life while doing it.
Aurelia is trying to reconnect with herself, as she lost herself to a bad relationship for a few years. Even with her anxiety, she is trying to go out of her comfort zone to explore what she would like to do. People are still out though, she is not going out of her way to meet someone new. At least not yet, maybe one day.
Aurelia is very aware of her surroundings. She hates being caught off guard or surprised. She likes being able to have some control over what's going to happen next as it helps her feel less anxious. (This does not apply to books or movies). She sits in corners where she can see the whole room and where no one can sneak up behind her. She hates sitting with her back to the door.
Aurelia enjoys the comfort of things that helps her anxiety. Like wrapping herself in blankets and watching comfort shows or reading her favorite books. 
Aurelia is trying to let go of the past, and of the people that hurt her and the friends and family members she has left. Even though it can be really hard for her to let go. She's doing her best, even if it seems like she backtracks some days.

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