Anxiety - Hollow-Wood

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Fandom - Hollow-Wood

Name (Full) - Anxiety

Pronouns - He/They/It

Species - Unknown

Appearance - A shadow-looking creature with round glowing eyes and long fingers when anxious. Has more form when calmer, and has the appearance of the shadow of a young boy. Height varies with anxiety levels.

Outfits - A hoodie, scarf, leggings and converse shoes. Both the hoodie and scarf have pins on it.

Friends - Splash? Aurelia

Personality - Anxious, skittish, loves music. Music helps it calm down.

Likes - Music, collecting pins, warm blankets, hot chocolate

Fears - e v e r y t h i n g

Hobbies - Collecting pins

Habits - Burrows his face into his scarf a lot

Objects of importance to them - Its scarf, hoodie, pins, and headphones.

Trivia -
- Splash was actually the one to give them their hoodie, scarf, and later, their headphones. She doesn't know where he got the pins from though.
- I designed him on my math homework
- When they're more anxious their form gets more blurred.


Art of the OC (By me):

Art of the OC (By me):

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Art of the OC (By others):

By Sh3s4K1ll3rQu33n

By Sh3s4K1ll3rQu33n

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