Toko - Hollow-Wood

28 3 0

Fandom - Hollow-Wood

Name (Full) - Tolo

Pronouns - Genderfluid, so it fluctuates, but usually just stick with they/them

Birthday - March 13

Age - Unknown

Species - Unknown

Sexuality - Androphilia

Crush? - N/A

Friends - N/A

Enemies - The Knights

Family - Unknown

Personality - WIP

Likes - WIP

Dislikes - WIP

Fears - WIP

Hobbies - WIP

Trivia -
- Design by A_Quirky_Rat


Art of the OC (By me):

Art of the OC (By me):

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Art of the OC (By others):

By A_Quirky_Rat

By A_Quirky_Rat

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