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The last few days came and went. Classes went by slowly, mainly because I was looking forward to friday- my first lesson as an advanced rider.

Mr. Conner emailed us our schedule for  the next month, explaining when our lessons as a team will be, and what we would be working on to become better riders.

Dried mud dusted off of Whispers back as I brushed her thoroughly after she had been out in the paddock most of the day. Her gray coat was covered with dirt when I brought her in, forcing me to hose her down.

"Hey, Sasha!" I turned around to see Callie running towards me, her raven black hair flowing loosely behind her.

"Callie!" I was still getting used to the fact that Callie wasn't mad at me anymore, and that we were good friends again, but when she brought me into a hug, I knew nothing could break a friendship as big as this one.

"I wanted to wish you luck!" She smiled and brushed a wayward strand of hair that had fallen out of my braid. "I have my first team practice after yours, I'll try to watch you." She smiled at me.

We were already a few weeks into school, which meant around this time is when the team's actually form together and start practices with eachother, mine being the first one.

"Thank you." I smiled at Callie, mirroring her same toothy grin. She pat  Whispers dirty coat and cocked an eyebrow towards me.

"What happened to this young lady?" She asked, grabbing a brush from the tin bucket on the floor.

"She was out in the paddock the whole day, you should have seen her before I washed her." I laughed and shook my head, remembering the sight.

"Did you get a picture?" Callie asked, laughing along with me.

"Yeah, I did." I pulled out my phone from the pocket of my sweater and opened up the gallery app. I clicked on the recent photo I took- a picture of Whisper standing in the field with her head hung low, a wet coat of mud covered her whole body.

"Oh, my God!" Callie burst into a fit of laughter at the sight and placed her hands on her knees. "That," She pointed at the phone. "Is the best thing I've seen all day!" I laughed along with her and closed my phone after checking the time.

"Well, I have fifteen minutes to get this girl cleaned and tacked." I sighed and placed a kiss on Whispers muzzle. "Need help?" Callie offered. "That would be great." I smiled at her and we got to work.

Callie brushed the right side of Whisper while I brushed her left, dusting off any access dirt. After her coat we cleaned, we moved on to her mane and tail, then her hooves.

"Well, I think she looks pretty clean to me," Callie beamed, staring at out hard work. "And we still have five minutes to get her tacked up." I grabbed Whispers black saddle and white saddle pad. Callie took the saddle pad from me and layed it neatly over Whispers back, allowing me to add on the saddle. I tightened the girth while Callie slipped on the black bridle that hung on a hook by the cross-ties we were situated at.

"Awe, Whisper! You look so pretty." I gushed, hugging her neck. "But, it's time for practice." I turned to Callie and gave her a quick hug. "Thank you for the help." I grabbed the reigns and tugged Whisper towards the giant indoor arena just down the aisle, the large double doors already open.

I stepped in to see the trio warming up on the right side, and Lexie and Paige on the left. I climbed onto Whispers back and trotted her towards my two friends.

"Hey guys." I smiled at the two as they walked closer to me.

"Hey, Sash!" Paige chimed, leading Chester towards Whisper and I. "Excited for your first practice as an advanced team member?" She asked, halting next to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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