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My dorm room felt empty. The walls looked bare and my desk seemed cleared. But it was just my mind lying to me. It always did that, even with people. It liked to play games with me except they were games the brain always won.

I needed to clear my head. The only way to do that? The stables obviously. Whisper awaited me in her stall, probably munching on food.

Paige was out studying with Lexie so I left her a quick message on imessage and gathered my clothes.

I smoothed out my beige breaches and pulled on my riding boots. Patting my pocket, I made sure I had my dorm keys.

A couple days ago I forgot my keys and got left standing outside until Paige came back from her riding lesson. The halls were cold so I walked to the common room to get a hot chocolate before waiting at our door again.

I walked out the door and closed it shut behind me, locking it before I stepped away.

I ran my hands along the lavender colored walls. Orchid was a beautiful dorm with long hallways going up four floors.

I placed a hand on the glass door and pushed it open, breathing in the fresh air of fall leaves. The wind hit my face a wave of chills went through my body.

As I continued down the path my phone buzzed twice. I was slightly hoping one message was from Callie, but we all know that won't happen.

I've been avoiding her for a week now, but yesterday I decided to try and apologize again. She ignored me and walked away.

A message from Paige and Cody.

I opened the text from Paige first and read the word 'ok' before clicking on Cody's text.

Cody's, on the other hand, was far more exciting. He asked if there was anytime we could meet at the courtyard and talk.

After replying to him, I moved into a faster walk towards the stables.

High wind started to pick up and it blew my hair back as I trudged forward, faster each step I took.

I walked into the barn and passed through many aisles before reaching Whispers stall.

"Hey honey," I murmured, opening the door and latching it behind me.

I smiled as she walked over to me. I softly placed my hand under her chin and kissed her muzzle, then scratched along her neck. She rubbed her head against my side and I laughed. Luckily it wasn't hard enough to make me topple over.

"Should we find a cross-tie station and get you all brushed?" I giggled as she let out a huff.

I swiped her halter off the hook and tightened it to the desired length. Then, I lead her out and towards a free pair of cross-ties.

I clipped her in and walked into the tack room to grab her stuff.

Callie was talking to some girls and as I walked by, all of them glared at me. I ignored these looks and continued grabbing her stuff, then made my way out.

"Alright, let's get you brushed and tacked up."

As I brushed Whisper, students kept walking by and smiling at me. I don't even know half these people.

I forced all my focus into Whisper as I pulled on her bridal and lead her into the arena. The room was empty which left us tons of space to work.

I placed my left foot into the stirrup and swung my right leg over, gently landing in the saddle.

I warmed Whisper up with my usual warm up and once we got to the canter, I let the cool air hit my face as all my worries exit my body and every ounce of Callie left my mind. The feeling of freedom warmed my body as we cantered circle after circle, never wanting this to end. But then Heather's voice snapped me out of that.

"Silver!" She screamed. I slowed Whisper and walked her over. "I called your name, like, ten times."

"Maybe if you called my first name I would have answered." I spat out, staring down at her.

"I need to talk to you, get off that horse." I rolled my eyes and jumped off Whispers back.

"What is it."

"So, you got on the advanced team, huh?" She swung her brunette hair over her shoulder

"Yeah, what's it too you?" I glared at her.

"Oh Silver, don't look at me like that. We all know your a bad rider." She turned her attention to Whisper. "This poor baby needs a new rider. Maybe one that can actually ride." Her arm extended towards Whisper neck and I swat at her hand.

"Chill," Heather rolled her eyes and shifted her weight.

"I'm leaving." I muttered, brushing past Heather and exiting the arena. I brought Whisper to the cross-ties and untacked her.


I neared the courtyard where Cody sat on a bench, waiting. When he saw me, he stood up and watched as I came closer.

I approached him and he stared into my eyes with fear. A look I haven't seen from him, especially to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, as I took a step closer to hug him like usual. But he took a step back and started walking.

"Follow me." He cleared his throat and waved me over to some trees. "Sasha, I really like you." He said that so calmly yet sounded so afraid.

"Wow thats great!" I beamed. "Because I like you too."

"But I also like your roommate. The moment I saw you, I thought you were the one. But after that day at the Sweet Shoppe, I got to know Paige more and even got her number. We went on a date and im sorry I lead you on." Those words hit me in the heart as the tears started gushing down my face, my mascara most liking going down with them. The wind started to pick up and the light rain that had started up, turned into a downpour. "I hope we can still be friends." I lost all strength in my legs and collapsed to the ground. Cody stared down at me as he walked past, the fear in his eyes had vanished and the only thing I saw was utter happiness.


I unlocked the door to my dorm and stepped in. Paige was standing there with her arms crossed, looking me up and down.

"Sasha your soaked, what happened?"

"Cody talked to me."

"What did he say?" Paige asked softly as she came over.

"He's been leading me on while going out on dates with you."

"Sasha.." Paige muttered, stepping back as if she knew what would happen.

"I can't believe you went behind my back and started dating my crush! You knew I liked him." I yelled, more tears streaming down my face. "I know you may think I'm overreacting, but this has happened one to many times with past friends."

It's true. Back in my other high-school I had a group of fake friends. I didn't want to belive it, though. It was hard for me to make friends and if I called them out, I'd be a loner. So, I chose to live with it. Every time I started talking to someone, one of my friends would swoop in and get him falling for her. I eventually stopped talking to guys. I couldn't bare it anymore. When I came to Forestwood, I expect to be able to talk to whomever I wanted without a problem, I guess not anymore.

"Sash, I'm so sorry.." She sat on her bed and rubbed her temple.

"Don't call me that Paige." I blurted out, grabbing my phone from my bed and heading out the door.

I stepped outside into the pouring rain and headed towards Callie's dorm. Thunder roared in the distance and people ran past me with umbrellas, trying to get to the safety of buildings.

I trudged down the path to Callie's dorm building, Winchester, and opened the glass doors. I rushed to the stairs and climbed to the third floor, walking down the hall to find Callies room.

After finding the right door, I banged on the wood and waited.

She slowly opened the door and her eyes widened when she saw me, quickly grabbing my wrist and pulling me inside.

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