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"Woah," The huge campus of Forestwood Academy came into view after turning the corner.

Our car stopped in a parking space with room to unload Whisper.

"Sasha, can you get Whisper while we bring your stuff to your dorm?" My dad said getting out of the car.

"Do you need a map?" I asked, still in shock. "We have one. You use the map to find the barn." My mom replied, walking around to the trunk.

"Okay," I pulled open the door to the horse trailer and walked in, un-clipping  the lead line. "Hey sweet girl." I ushered in a calm, soothing voice.

Whisper let out a nicker and I kissed her muzzle, then lead her out.

"When your done, meet us at your dorm." My dad demanded, picking up two of my suitcases.

"Aye aye, captain." I saluted and giggled.

Looking down at the map, I followed the right path to the barn.

Whispers saddle was layed on her back. The bucket of brushes were in my hand with the bridal. It definitely was hard to hold everything in one hand and lead Whisper with the other, but I made it work.

The big white doors of the barn came into view. It was huge. The walls, doors, and windows were outlined with black, giving it a nice modern look.

We stepped inside and saw tons and tons of stalls. And I mean tons.

There were so many rows. Some stalls had horses, and others didn't. Probably because riders haven't arrived yet, or were out riding.

At the very end there were two small doors. One labeled 'office' and the other was the tack room.

Before I put Whispers tack in there, I may as well find her stall. Even if it means more work, but I'm used to it.

After walking down many rows and passing many cross-tie stations, I finally found the stall with Whispers name on it. I unlatched the door and lead her in.

"It's so spacious in here," I muttered, mainly to myself. The stall could probably fit three horses, that's how big it is.

I took off Whispers halter and placed it on a hook outside the stall, then removed the saddle from her back.
The bridle and brush bucket remained in my hands.

I retraced my steps towards the tack room and opened the door. Two girls were talking, one with a bridal in her hand.

"Sorry I'm just going to walk around you real quick," I said to the one holding the bridal.

Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and glasses perched on the bridge of her nose. Her icy blue eyes stared up at me as I shuffled to an empty rack.

"All good!" She replied, taking a step forward so I had more room with everything I was carrying. "Hey, are you new here?"

"Yup," I replied turning my gaze to the brunette standing beside the blonde. She looked back at me and spoke.

"What's your name?" Her voice matched her face, calm and sweet. The way it sounded settled my shaky body. Her green eyes stared softly into mine as my ocean blue eyes trailed her face. She had light freckles placed nicely around her face, and she had a small button nose. She's so pretty.

"Sasha," I answered, my gaze going from the brunette to the blonde. "What about you two?" I asked, placing the brush bucket under where the saddle lay.

"Lexie," The blonde said, "And that's Paige."

The brunettes name sounded familiar.

"Wait, what's your last name?" I turned to Paige, staring back up into her green eyes. "Parker." She said with a grin.

"And your Sasha Silver, my new roomie!" She added with an enthusiastic tone. She seemed fun.

"Wow I'm glad I ran into you!" I said, running my hands through my soft hair.

"How are you liking campus?" Lexie questioned, I huge smile forming on her lips.

"It's so pretty," I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Well, I'm so glad I met you guys but I have to get back to my mare."

"What's her name?" Paige asked, following me out of the tack room.

"Whisper, wanna meet her?" My face lit up. I loved talking about Whisper, it made my heart melt with joy.

"Yess!!" They replied simultaneously.

I laughed and waved them over. "Her stall is over here,"

We walked over to where Whisper was munching away on hay.

The click of my tongue brought her over to the door and she lifted her head over, allowing us to pet her as much as we wanted.

"She's so pretty," Lexie breathed, showering Whisper in tons of pets.

"What breed is she?" Paige asked, running her hands over Whispers long neck. "Quarter horse." I replied, placing a kiss on Whispers muzzle. She was loving all this attention.

"I should probably go find the dorm," I sighed out after checking the time on my phone. "My parents are waiting."

"I would come with you but me and lex were about to go for a trail ride," Paige looked back at Lexie. "Sorry." She gave me a small smile.

"It's no problem," I smiled back, turning away to find the dorms.


"Finally," I breathed out, pulling out the keys I was given. "this is it. I hope."

I swung the door open to see both my parents attempting to build a small coffee table near our TV.

I looked around the room.

On the left of the door was Paige's bed and beside the was my bed. In-between both beds, a small table sat with a modern lamp on top. Across the beds was the living room and to the left of my bed was the closets. On the other side of the room there was a hallway with two doors, one to the bathroom and the other to the small kitchen.

"Sasha, are you just going to stand there or will you come help your father and I with this coffee table?" My mother laughed and handed me a screwdriver. I laughed with her and went to help.

After about an hour, the door to the dorm swung open. Everything was built and my parents had left a while ago so I was laying on my bed watching tiktok.

I turned my head slowly to see Paige staring at the room in shock, a big smile spread across her face.

"This room is so pretty!" She walked over to the luscious white curtains that covered our windows and gently touched the soft silk.

"I was afraid you weren't gonna like it," I said honestly. "I don't know what your style is, you never mentioned it."

Paige let out a small laugh. "Yeah sorry about that. But it looks like we have the same taste!"

"Perfect." I smiled softly at her and placed my phone down. "How was the trail ride? Your gonna have to show me all the trails!"

Paige  walked over and sat beside me on my bed. "Well, we still have a week before school starts, maybe we could go tomorrow and I can tell you all about forestwood?"

"Yes! And I have to meet your horse, mare or stallion?" I questioned.

"He's a gelding," She smiled. "He's a thoroughbred."

"Tell me everything about him," I sat up so I was facing Paige.

"Well his name is Chester." She began.

Gone With the Wind (REWRITING)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن