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"I'm so scared!" I said to Callie, as me and her sat in the indoor arena with many other girls and guys.

"Same!" She replied, pulling out chapstick from her bag and applying it to her lips. "I really hope I make the advanced team. I tried out last year but only got into intermediate."

"Oh that sucks," I sighed. I felt bad for Callie, she was a really good rider and deserved to be on the advanced team. "I hope we both make it."

"I doubt it, only one spot is open." She sighed.

"Right, Paige told me that." Callie and I continued talking until Mr. Conner walked in, clipboard in hand.

"Hello everybody." He nodded his head towards us and looked down at the clipboard. "As you all know, only one person can make the advanced team."

We all nodded our heads in reply.

"I'll start by naming the person that got in then continue with the beginner and intermediate teams."

My palms were sweating as Callie held my shaky hand. Both of us were extremely nervous at what might come at us.

"Sasha Silver, please step forward." Mr. Conner boomed and clapping erupted around me. I wanted to move but i was frozen. Did I actually just make the advanced team?

"Sasha go," Callie gave me a shaky smile and gently pushed me forward. She was on the verge of tears but kept clapping.

I stood up and made my way to the front. Mr. Conner handed me a green and gold jacked with 'FWA advanced team' embroidered on the front.

I shook Mr. Conners hand and returned to my seat. Callie quickly wiped her face and smiled.

"On the intermediate teams are..." Mr. Conner began naming everybody on the intermediate team, and when Callies name was called I hugged her.

"I'm sorry you didn't get the advanced spot. But at least you didn't get beginner." I comforted her and pulled out my phone. "Want me to text Paige and ask if she wants to join us at the sweet shoppe?"

Callie smiled. "That would be great Sasha."

I gave Paige a quick text and turned my attention to Mr. Conner.


Callie, Paige, Lexie, and I all sat around a table shoving our faces with cookies and slices of cake. We were laughing and talking about all the gossip of the school. Callie seemed alot better and more of herself than she was before, which was good. Everything was going smoothly before Lexie spoke up.

"I forgot to say, congratulations on getting advanced Sash!" She smiled at me and gave me a high five.

"Yeah! Congrats Sash, Lex and I are so excited to have you on our team. The trio is so annoying." Paige added, taking a bite of her cookie.

I gave her a tight-lipped smile before looking down at my slice of chocolate cake. I hadn't mentioned anything about the other night with her and Cody. Sure, I'm a little hurt because she knows I like him. But I can't control who she dates, even if it's my crush. I'll just talk to Paige another day.

I glanced at Callie and watched as she slowly ate her dessert while Lexie and Paige talked non stop about how amazing it was to have me on their team.

She suddenly stood up and grabbed her bag then turned around and left, without saying a word.

I looked at Paige and Lexie, "I'm going to see if she's okay."

"Good idea, want us to come?" Lexie asked, brushing her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Maybe it's best if I just go, sorry." I stood up and headed towards the door. I caught a glimpse of Callie as she hurried around a corner.

"Callie!" I yelled out as she turned around to face me.

"What?" She glared at me as I rushed over. "You should be back there listening to Paige and Lexie talk about how amazing you are to make the advanced team at your first year here." She scowled at me and went to turn around again, but I grabbed her lower arm.

"Callie I'm so sorry." I replied, letting my eyes soften. "I know you have been trying for years and I feel really bad."

She pulled her arm away from my grasp and stomped off, but stopped after a few steps.

"Just give me time to think about our friendship." She said.. My eyes grew wide and I took a shaky step back.

"Callie.. I didnt do anything though!" I tried to reason with her, but she had already rushed around the corner and headed towards her dorm.

My head hung low as I turned around and slowly walked back to the Sweet Shoppe.

Paige and Lexie were cleaning up their plates as I walked in the shop.

"Sash, how did it go?" Paige asked me, walking over.

"I don't want to talk about it," I replied, grabbing a few plates. "Let's just go."

Lexie and Paige shared looks of worry as we walked towards the exit. Paige's green eyes trailed over my red face and she wrapped her arm around my shoulders, moving my wavy blonde hair out of the way.

There is no way I'm telling either of them what happened with Callie. I'll just avoid her to give her time and any plans she has with Paige.

Gone With the Wind (REWRITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz