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"How did it go?" I turned to Paige's voice.

"I think I did pretty good," I smiled and turned back to brush Whispers coat. "Well, I'm not sure about the dressage part. You know I'm not very good with that."

Paige laughed. "Yeah, I've seen it. Not the best thing I've seen but with your jumping skills, I think you made the advanced team."

"Maybe, but I don't want to stress about it." I placed Whispers body brush into the tin bucket and pulled out her hoof pick.

"Don't make the mistake I did." Paige chuckled.

I dropped Whispers front hoof and slowly turned to Paige. "What..?" I asked cautiously.

"I'll tell you over dessert?" She questioned, picking up her bag.

"You don't have to ask me twice!"

Paige laughed again. "Alright superstar, I'll meet you at the front of the barn."

I smiled at her and waved. I only needed to finish Whispers hooves and put her back in her stall.

I ran my hand down her leg and said "hoof" when I reached the right spot.

After finishing everything, I latched her stall door shut and kissed her muzzle. "Love you girl."

I walked over to where Paige was standing and dusted off my shirt. She looked up from her phone and smiled.
"Ready?" She asked, linking arms with me.

"I'm always ready for dessert," A huge smile lit up on my face and Paige threw back her head in laughter. "What?" I asked, laughing along with her.

"Your an idiot." She managed to get out as we both continued laughing.

"Silver." That voice made me and Paige instantly stop laughing and my smile faltered.

"Heather." I looked up at her face, Alisson and Julia were standing behind her.

"We heard your trying out for the advanced team," She chuckled and placed a hand on her hip. "We thought beginner suited you more." Julia and Alisson snickered behind her. They both glared at me but Julia's had a look of guilt in her eyes.

"We don't need someone like you bringing our team down." Alisson piped up.

"You haven't even seen her ride. She is an amazing rider, probably better than you three combined. I've seen it." Paige glared at the trio and we brushed past them, winking as they stood there in shock.

"I hate Heather so much," I squinted my eyes. "I just want to snap her pretty little head in half."

"I think we all do Sash." Paige giggled and I opened the door to the Sweet Shoppe.

The smell of dessert filled my nose as we both stepped in. I looked around for empty seats and my eyes landed on a small booth next to a window pointing to the courtyard.

"How's that?" I pointed to the table and looked back at Paige. "Paige?" She was staring across the small café and I followed her gaze. Cody.

"Shoot sorry Sash, what did you say?" She turned her head to look at me.

"I found a seat," I grabbed her hand and pulled her over. "This okay?"

"Perfect." Paige smiled and took a seat as I sat across from her.

"Dessert two days in a row?" I laughed. "I'm going to be sick by Monday!" Paige chuckled and began to get up.

"No, Paige sit. I'll pay today." I smiled at her. She gave me a weird look but smiled back.

I walked over to the counter and ordered brownies and cupcakes, the usual. As the staff prepared the desserts, I walked over to where Cody was sitting with his friends.

"Hey!" I smiled and Cody stood up.

"Sasha! Hey!" He pulled me into a hug and my eyes widened.

Looks like i have nothing to worry about if Cody's already hugging me.

"How were tryouts?" He asked, pulling back.

"I think I did okay," I sighed and laughed. Cody chuckled along with me.

"Order for Sasha!" A female voice said.

"That's me! I'll text you?" I smiled and turned to walk away.

"Of course!" He smiled back and sat down.

I grabbed my order and walked back towards Paige who was sitting on her phone.

"Paige, I got our usual!" I slid into the cushioned seat and placed the two plates in front of us.

"This smells so good!" Paige hovered her nose over the food before swiping a brownie and shoving it into her mouth. "Thanks Sasha." She mumbled, crumbs falling out of her mouth.

I laughed and shook my head before I started talking. I'll ask Paige about Cody later.


"I am so full." I groaned after flopping onto my bed.

"Same." Paige replied dragging her feet to the bathroom.

"No more dessert for a while," I sighed and sat up, pulling my boots off my feet. "Oh, Paige."

She peeked her head out of the door frame, brush in hand. "Yes?"

"Uhm.." My palms grew sweaty, maybe I shouldn't ask her about the Cody thing. Not now at least. I need to figure out more stuff before I assume anything. "Nevermind."

"Oh okay," Paige replied, walking out and sitting at our couch.

"Want some tea?" I asked her, putting on slides. "I'm heading to the common room to grab some snacks and tea."

"I can come its okay," Paige got up and slipped her feet into her own slides, then followed me out the door.

The common room was mostly empty, only a few girls sat on the couch watching a movie.

After Paige and I gathered our stuff, we started back towards our room. We walked in, placed our stuff down, and Paige grabbed proper shoes and put them on.

"Where are you going?" I questioned, taking a sip of my hot tea.

"Just.... Out for a quick walk." She hesitantly replied before grabbing her phone and rushing out the door.

"Wait! Paige!" I called, and she poked her head back in the room. "What about your tea? What was the point of getting some?"

"I'll heat it up later." Then, she quickly shut the door and I heard her footsteps fade down the hallway.

I decided to follow her. I honestly didn't believe she was just going for a walk based on the way she said it.

I slipped out the door and slowly crept behind her.

As the theater building came into view, my eyes darted to the doors. Standing in the open doorway was none other than Cody.

Gone With the Wind (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now