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"Mom I got in!" I screamed after finishing the letter. Tears of happiness streamed down my face.

"I'm so proud of you honey!" My mom pulled me into a hug.

The sound of my dad's voice boomed in my ear. "We are both so proud of you." And he leaned in to join the hug.

"Can one of you drive me to the stables?" I gushed out, leaving the hug and jumping up and down.

"We were just there, can't you wait for tomorrow's lesson?" My mom replied, taking off her shoes she had left on.  "And I'm about to make dinner anyways." My dad cut in.

The time on my phone read 6:47.

"I'll be upstairs skyping Hannah and Lauren." I said, jogging up the steep stairs. My door creaked open and I walked over to where my laptop lay on my desk.

I clicked on Skype and called them. My video was on while it rang so I made sure my French braids weren't frizy and no horse hair remained on my shirt.

"Hii!" The sound of Hannah's voice boomed in the speaker.

"Hannah!!" I replied, looking at the screen to see if Lauren would join. "I have news!"

"What's that?" Lauren's icon popped up and I beamed at the sound of her voice.

"Forestwood accepted me!" A huge smile appeared on my face while the others faded. "Aren't you guys happy for me?" My smile also faltered and I tilted my head to the right.

"We are gonna miss you Sash," Hannah whispered in a soft tone.

Hannah wasn't one to cry, but Lauren on the other hand...

She had burst into tears, her hands on her face.

"We have to... go to.. high-school without you," Lauren said in-between sniffles.

"I'll visit every break we have and we can Skype every Friday, okay?" I reassured the both of them.

"Dinner!" My dad's voice bounced off the walls of my house.

"I have to go, love you guys!" I shut off my laptop and trudged downstairs.


I had raced out off bed and gotten dressed so fast we were early to the stables.

Whisper was clipped into cross-ties as I used a curry comb around her body. I placed it into the bucket and pulled out a hoof pick.

"Hoof." I demanded, making sure I had a tight grip on Whispers hoof. She lifted it up and I scraped away the dirt, then continued the process on the other three hoofs.

"You look so pretty Whisper," I gushed, grabbing her bridal. I'm so glad she takes the bit easily, one slight move and it's in her mouth. No fights.

Her saddle was on and I pulled the reigns over her head. Then, I lead her to the indoor arena. It's going to be another blazing hot day.

The doors of the arena were already open so I hopped on Whisper and walked over to the wall.

Katie wasn't here yet so I did my warm-ups.

two laps at a walk, turn around and do 2 more. Then repeat for trot and canter.

Clapping erupted in the arena. My head whipped around so fast I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.

"Sasha, I have never seen you this focused in a warm-up." It was Katie.

"Katie!" I guided Whisper over to my instructor and halted. "I have news!"

"And what's that?" She questioned, placing a hand on her hip.

"I got accepted into Forestwood,"


Whisper was untacked and brushed out but I was laying atop her back in her stall. Since we were early to the lesson, it ended early.

Although they should be here in five minutes.

Whispers head was down, she was eating food. Foot steps trailed down the hall. Many riders are either going to lessons, or done lessons. Or just going on a fun ride with friends.

Hannah and Lauren don't ride. They are friends of mine from school and I couldn't imagine life without them. Even though that's what's coming.

"Hey sweetie," My mom poked her head over the stall door. "We have to go out so let's go."

"Where?" I asked, jumping off Whispers back.

"Furniture shopping."


As we were at the furniture store, I realized we were shopping for me. My dorm.

Just the thought of having my own dorm warms my body. Sure, I don't wanna live without my parents, but I'm fourteen I can handle it.

"Ughh I can't... zip... this up!" I screamed. I was atop my suitcase, trying to push it down. Why do I have so many clothes?

There's different suitcases for shirts, pants, other essentials, and my riding stuff. Those being my breaches, English boots (show and not show), and show shirts/jackets.

Since I'm leaving home, I'm trying to bring as much stuff as possible from my room so I can make my dorm feel like I'm still here.

My roommate seemed nice. I talked to her over email and we figured out dorm decorations and furniture for us both.

"Finally!" I got the suitcase closed.
Tomorrow is the day I leave.

Gone With the Wind (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now