---------The next Decision---------

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Dyuti woke up suddenly,  like a force but it's difficult for her to breath, 

Dyuti's pov...

Where am I,  why it's so dark and , I'm having problems in breathing,  I started finding something and found soil  , only soil and mud

"I'm under the ground??" I tried to utter but nothing escape it's difficult to open eyes completely.  I dig the soil .

After a while a light Ray was seen , I dig more and the surface open.
I came outside dusting the rest of soil I got up .

"I need to inform Rudrani everything " I mumbled
End of Dyuti's pov...

Rudrani was still thinking inside her room

Rudrani was still thinking inside her room

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at that moment some her attendees entered

"Princess  , Emperor Karna along her family has reached!" Attendees uttered.

Rudrani's face lit up then dim again.

"I'm coming,  Prepare for their welcome" Rudrani instructed.

As they left Rudrani let out a deep sigh ,

She made up her mind .

"It needs to end with which it started " Rudrani uttered and got up .

Rudrani reached towards the entrance found Karna along with Prince Arjun,  Queen Draupadi, and mata Kunti, 

Rudrani reached towards the entrance found Karna along with Prince Arjun,  Queen Draupadi, and mata Kunti, 

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|His Queen Of Pride|:~Sacrifice (1st Part)●♡Where stories live. Discover now