{♤Our Eyes Speaks♤}

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"They still didn't return!! I'm concerned"
Karna uttered sitting on the throne.

"Don't worry Emperor,  soldiers and Chief Commander was with them , they'll be safe " one minister replied.

"Who went where ??" Arjun asked entering through the Court room.

"You've arrived this early?? You dropped them Hastinapur safely right??" Karna asked

"Bhrata Bheem has came halfway, so I came back , I heard about the Rakshas,
And who went where ??" Arjun asked

Karna explained his worries and about Anamika and Ruchira visiting there.

"You should have waited for me to return before sending them , " Arjun uttered.

"I refused but they didn't listened " Karna replied.

They left the Court room.

While walking towards the Entrance of the Castle they found Anamika and Ruchira coming towards them .

Karna ran towards them

"You guys are alright??" Karna asked.

"Yes Emperor we're completely fine , we appointed our Guards there to protect the villagers, " Anamika replied.

"Thank goodness I waw so worried " Karna replied

Ruchira and Anamika blushed.


Later Arjun entered Karna's room and found him playing Tanpura and a sad tune is occurring from it .

"Why so sad ??" Arjun question.

"Don't know,  but I'm having a weird feeling from yesterday,  " Karna replied.

Placing it aside and Karna got up and went towards the window,  cold wind blows his hair . Suddenly he heard A tune behind him ,he found Arjun playing a tune from that Tanpura

 Suddenly he heard A tune behind him ,he found Arjun playing a tune from that Tanpura

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Karna chuckle.

"Why play a Yudhya raag??" Karna questioned

"So that you can fight the battle inside your mind " Arjun replied with a smile .

Soon Ruchira and Anamika entered.

"You're playing music !!" Anamika uttered.

"It's so melodies!!, feels like dancing " Ruchira replied.

Karna and Arjun chuckle

"Yudhya Raag , seems melodies to you ??" Karna questioned.

Ruchira felt a little embarrassed.

"So what , dance can happen with any raag " Anamika replied.

As Arjun Plays the Tune , Anamika and Ruchira Dance together.

|His Queen Of Pride|:~Sacrifice (1st Part)●♡Where stories live. Discover now