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"Are you comfy? Arizona asked as she helped Meredith into the bed.
"Yes, Zona please stop worrying I'm fine." Meredith answered smiling at her wife.
"If you say so, are you ok for me to start your feed? You can have a sleep while I do it, it'll take about a hour and a half to get the kids dinner and get everything cleaned up." Arizona asked,
"That sounds perfect Zona, please stop worrying." Meredith replied, she desperately wanted to just grab her wife and pull her into a hug but she wasn't quite there yet.
Arizona quickly connected Meredith's feeding tube and started the flow of the feed, before kissing Meredith's forehead and heading down stairs to the kids.

Maggie was just about to leave when she heard a little voice behind her.
"Auntie Maggie," the small voice asked
As she turned around Maggie say Bailey standing behind her.
"What's up Bai's?" Maggie asked smiling down at her nephew.
"Can I talk to you about something?" He asked kinds shyly,
"Of course, bud, is everything ok?" She asked nervous about what is was her nephew needed.
"Yeah everything's ok I just had a question and I didn't want to upset mamma or mummy so I thought I'd ask you first." Bailey explained.
Maggie wasn't quite sure what her nephew wanted to ask but she would always make time for them.
"Of course, come here." She said leading him into the office which was just to the side. "Arizona, actually I just checked and Winston won't be home yet do you mind if I stay for dinner?" Maggie called, as before entering the room.
"Of course not," Arizona called back from the kitchen.
"So bud what's up?" Maggie asked sitting down next to Bailey.
"Um..well...so... well... Sofia explained that Mummy is going to adopt her and she explained how that can happen when you have a step-mummy or step-daddy and well.. I know we just call her mamma but mamma is technically our step-mamma cause she married mummy after daddy died right?"Bailey started to explain.
"Yes that's right Bailey, after your daddy died your mummy and mamma got married so yeah she is technically your step-mamma." Maggie answered unsure why the boy was bring up the issue.
"Well, if mummy can adopt Sofia why did mamma never adopt me, zozo and Elli? Did she not want to?" Bailey asked.
As Maggie heard the question she felt it pull at her heart strings. Meredith and Arizona had never mentioned, but she was sure they would do it they probably never even thought about it.
"Oh Bailey, no no, your mamma definitely would want to, truthfully monkey your mums probably just didn't think about it, I'm sure if you mentioned it they would do it. Bailey your mamma and your mummy love you to very much." Maggie answered pulling her nephew into a hug.
"You sure?" Bailey asked looking up at his aunt with his big round eyes.
"I'm sure buddy." She said smiling, and kissing him on the forehead. "Let's go check on dinner it will nearly be ready." Maggie smiled.

During Dinner

The kids where all enjoying dinner when Bailey looked at Maggie who nodded at him, encouraging him to ask the question.
"Mamma?" He asked, turning to Arizona.
"What up monkey?" She asked smiling at him.
"Mummy is going to adopt Sofia and become her legal mummy, I...um was wondering if... well. Your my mamma and you always will be but would you adopt me and Zola and Elli." He asked looking into Arizona's eyes. As the other kids all heard their names being said they turned to look at the conversation between their brother and mum. Arizona just sat silently looking between all the kids who where now looking at her.
"It's ok if you don't want to." Bailey said quietly looking down.
"Oh no, Bailey look at me." Arizona cooed, taking her sons hand in hers. "I would love to adopt you and Zozo and Elli, I honestly don't know why I haven't already." She exclaimed, smiling at her son. Bailey jumped up and ran around the table hugging his mum.
"Thanks mamma." He cheered.
The family ate the rest of their dinner chatting happily away. Once they had finished the kids ran off to play while Maggie helped Arizona clear the table.
"I don't know why I never formally adopted Meredith kids," Arizona said as she loaded the dishwasher. "I mean it felt like it did, I love those kids more than anything and I would do anything for them but I just never thought of adopting them." Arizona continued sighing.
"That's not a bad thing Ari," Maggie replied "you don't need court documents and legal adoptions to make them your kids, but I just think with all the excitement around Sofia, it gave the other kids time to think." She reasoned, "and they know that, otherwise Bailey wouldn't have asked you know that right?" Maggie asked smiling at her sister in law.
"Your right, thank you for your help today." Arizona smiled before turning on the dishwasher and grabbing some popcorn from the cupboard.

Maggie said her goodbyes to the kids before leaving. Once the bowls of popcorn where ready and Arizona had prepared a strawberry milkshake for Meredith she rounded up the kids and headed upstairs to meet her wife.
"Kids just wait here while I wake mummy ok" Arizona said softly handing the bowls to her two oldest daughters.
She entered the room and Meredith was still asleep, she quickly checked her feed, seeing it was finished she disconnected it and flushed the tube before quickly cleaning the area.
"Meri honey, wake up," she cooed gently waking Meredith.
"Mmmh," Meredith groaned,
"You ok," Arizona asked, helping Meredith sit up a bit more the in bed.
"Yeah, that sleep was what I needed, where are our little munkins?" Meredith asked smiling at Arizona.
"Right outside the door, come in monkey's" Arizona called and all four kids quickly barrelled into the room jumping up on the bed.
"Mummy," Ellis cheered crawling into Meredith lap. She didn't completely understand what was wrong with Meredith but she knew that Meredith couldn't hug her so instead the girl had quite often decided just to sit in her mother's lap.
"Mummy, mamma going to adopt us!" Bailed yelled excited,
Meredith looked over to Arizona surprised,
"You are?" She asked tears in her eyes,
"It couldn't make me happier," Arizona said smiling,
"Mummy why are you crying? It's a good thing." Ellis asked looking up at Meredith.
"Oh baby girl these are happy tears." Meredith replied smiling at her daughter.
"What movie are we going to watch?" Arizona asked,
"Paw Patrol movie!" Ellis cheered earring a groan from her older siblings,
"How about the baby movie," Zola suggested, this time only Bailey groaning.
"Oh shush Bailey you know you love it, plus it's 4 against one." Sofia said, smiling
"Fine," Bailey sighed but both Arizona and Meredith could see a small grin on their sons face. They looked at each other smiling.
They weren't to far into the movie when Arizona looked over to find Meredith sleeping with Ellis laying on her chest, it concerned her slightly not to hear the soft snores escaping her wife but she quickly reached over placing Meredith oxygen nasal cannula on her face.
Soon enough all the kids had fallen asleep on the large bed and Arizona couldn't help but smile things where finally feeling normal again. She closed her eyes letting slumber take her too. It hadn't felt like long when she awoke to the sounds of coughing....

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed,
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Sorry for the delay.
Who is coughing? Is everyone ok?

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