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The couple sat in silence for a bit before Arizona broke the silence gently massaging Meredith's hand.
"Mer?" She asked gently, but Meredith just stayed silent, "Mer tell me what your thinking let me in." Arizona begged, the familiarity of the scene bringing her back to Meredith's original Diagnosis.
"I...I don't know what I'm thinking Zona." Meredith snapped, turning her head away from Arizona.
"Hey I'm sorry but I don't want you to feel alone, I'm here." Arizona cooed,
"I'm sorry, I just it's a lot." Meredith said turning back, "can you explain a bit more. I..I feel different, there are different tubes coming out of me I can feel it and everything feels heavy." Meredith asked looking into Arizona's eyes.
"Ill try to explain everything if you want Mer if your ready" Arizona answered, Meredith just nodded at her.
"Ok, so that night you fell into the coma was because of an infection. The infection you had we where later able to distinguish as pneumonia." Arizona started,
"Pneumonia how?" Meredith's asked, Arizona paused talking a deep breath.
"The week that Sofia was at Callie's house Penelope worked in the pneumonia ward and apparently according to Sofia they didn't take any precautions to make sure they didn't spread the bacteria, so we think Sofia may have accidentally brought it home to you." Arizona answered, as she did Meredith's eyes filled with tears she knows her daughter and she knows that she would blame herself even though she knew it wasn't her fault she's 13 a child she had no power of Callie.
"Did Sofia blame herself?" Meredith asked tentatively
"At first but I worked with her to help her understand it wasn't her fault" Arizona answered smiling, Meredith was always a mother first she cared so deeply about the kids, "do you want me to continue?" Arizona asked and Meredith nodded.
"Well after you fell into the coma I spend every day of the first week here with you hoping, we weren't sure if you'd wake up or what state you'd be in if you did. But I kept hoping. About a month into the coma Miranda came to me, we had to discuss long term treatments and cause I'm your next of kin I had to make the decision. We..we had to insert a stoma bag which is one of the new tubes you can feel and also a PEG tube which is probably the one that feels the weirdest as your used to your nasal feeding tube but it was better to have a PEG tube inserted for the long run. You where on a ventilator for quite a significant amount of time which is probably why your throat feels quite sore and why you had trouble talking." Arizona confined to explain her heart breaking as she listed all the complications and treatment to her wife.
"Oh ok, thank you Zona" Meredith said smiling loosely holding Arizona's hand.
"Why are you thanking me I didn't do anything." Arizona asked confused
"You did you stuck by me, you made tough discussions on your own while taking care of our babies one your own as well so thank you." Meredith said.
"Always my love always. I'd do anything for you." Arizona cooed, gently leaning down to kiss her wife.
Just then Miranda and Amelia returned to the room.
"How are you feeling Meredith?" Miranda asked
"Like I've been asleep for a year and the whole words changed" Meredith answered, Miranda and Amelia both looked at her shocked unsure how to answer but Arizona had to stifle a laugh at least her wife's sense of humour hadn't changed.
"Right well, we need to perform some test get a greater understanding of where your bodies at now." Amelia explained
"Right, so scans? I can't imagine a coma did my lungs very good the cancer has probably taken over my entire lungs by now." Meredith replied, Miranda looked at Arizona unsure if she should tell Meredith of if Arizona wanted to be the one to tell her.
"Meri, I made the decision to continue your chemo treatment while you where in the coma, and because you where in the coma was decided on a super intensive treatment which turned out to be the right decision we believe cause 6 months ago Miranda completed your regular scans and you had no cancerous lesions left only the pulmonary nodules." Arizona explained smiling at Meredith
"Wait so I'm cancer free?" Meredith asked tears forming in her eyes
"Yes my love your cancer free" Arizona said pulling Meredith into a hug as her own tears started to form.
Miranda and Amelia stood silently while the couple embraced.
"Ok, you ready to go for your tests?" Amelia asked once the couple had finished hugging.
"Yes" Meredith answered, as the Miranda and Amelia started to wheel her away.
"I'll be right here when you get back ok?" Arizona said smiling, "oh actually my patients" she realised she was still supposed to be working today she quickly jumped up.
"Oh sit down Robbins you have the day off today chiefs orders" Dr Bailey said laughing at the blonde as she smiled
"Thanks Mandy" she replied sitting back down the the chair.

Half an hour later,
Meredith had returned to her room after a series of test to check how she was doing and see if she had any long term health effects from the coma or the flatline, but Miranda and Amelia had yet to return with the results.
"How you feeling Meri?" Arizona asked gently stroking Meredith's hand,
"Tired," Meredith yawned
"Then you to sleep my love I'll wake you when they return." Arizona cooed,
"I don't want to sleep I missed an entire year asleep" Meredith said while yawning again.
"Oh my love, have a quick nap now, then I'll get the kids to come by this afternoon I haven't told them that your awake yet. In fact I haven't told anyone so get some sleep now then you can be wide awake for everyone later. My love your body has been through massive amounts of stress you still need to rest." Arizona explained tightly holding Meredith's hand. Meredith nodded closing her eyes, and quickly falling asleep. As she looked at her wife sleeping Arizona felt a mix of relief and fear. Meredith had woken up and now she was simply sleeping but seeing her wife eyes closed again made her think of the year spent crying next to her bed side.

Authors Note
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