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Arizona picked up Zola and Sophia first before heading to pick up Bailey and Ellis, both girls where very excited when they got in the car
"Mummy is at home today" Sofia yelled as she jumped into her seat in the back
"We get to see her when we get home" Zola added as she climbed into her seat.
Arizona sighed slightly before turning around to the girls.
"Your right girls Mummy is at home but we are going to get some ice-cream before we get home how does that sound?" She asked nervous knowing her two girls would most likely not believe her happy attitude.
"Yay ice-cream!" They both cheered
Arizona smiled and quickly picked up Bailey and Ellis before taking them all to get ice-cream once all the kids had their ice-cream and where sitting down Arizona knew she had to tell them but it broke her heart to do so, she looked at them all happy care-free they where just kids enjoying ice-cream and deep down she knew what she was about to tell them wasn't a huge deal but it was still big enough.
"Hey guys, so I know your all excited about seeing Mummy again this afternoon and she can't wait to see you but first I need to talk to you, do you remember how we told you that the medicine Mummy is taking can make her sick?" She asks looking at the two younger kids, who are both nodding slightly confused. "Well Mummy is at home safe but the medicine Mummy has taken makes her hair fall out." Arizona continued this time looking at her two older girls.
"So Mummy doesn't have any hair anymore?" Sofia asked looking down at her ice-cream.
"That's right, but she's still the same mummy you know and love and she still loves you all the same ok?" Arizona confirmed, reaching her hand out to hold Sofia and Zola's.
"Ok," Zola replied, looking at Arizona with small tears in her eyes.
"Oh come here" Arizona cooed walking over to give Zola and Sofia a hug, the younger two kids didn't quite seem to understand what that meant but the older too did.
"Can we bring mummy some ice-cream she loves ice-cream" Ellis asked excitedly causing Arizona and the two older girls to laugh slightly.
"Yes we can get mummy a big tub of her favourite strawberry ice-cream, but finish yours first munchkin then we can go back home and see mamma" Arizona replied smiling at her youngest, she was slightly glad Ellis and Bailey were too young to completely understand just how sick Meredith was.

Once everyone finished their ice-cream, Arizona quickly ran back inside and bought a big tub of Meredith's favourite ice-cream, hoping she might be able to keep something down it didn't matter at this point what Meredith ate just simply that she did cause Arizona was getting worried about her. The ride home was much quieter then the trip to the ice-cream but before long they where back home.
"Now be quite when we enter the house mummy was having a rest when I left so she may still be asleep but Auntie Maggie is here" Arizona explained before opening the door, as she did she saw Maggie sitting on the couch watching the tv, all the kids quickly ran over to her excited to be seeing their Auntie.
"Is mer still asleep?" Arizona asked lifting Ellis off Maggie who was being smothered by the children.
"Yeah she is she's been asleep for about an hour thirty," Maggie explained hugging the children who where climbing over her.
"Mamma, Can we wake mummy up?" Bailey asked looking at Arizona. Arizona thought about it for a moment but eventually agreed.
"Yea you can but wait for me I'm coming with you and you need to be careful. And remember mummy isn't going to have any hair." Arizona explained, before following the kids into Meredith's room. She smiled as she saw her wife wrapped up in a blanket sound asleep for a minute she thought about stopping the kids but she knew both Meredith and the kids where very excited to see each other again, so she decided to let them wake her.

"Mummy" Ellis whispered climbing on to the bed with Meredith.
"Mummy wake up," Bailey added before going Ellis on the bed along with the two older girls.
"Mummy" Sofia said a bit louder, earning a groan from Meredith.
"Mummy wake up" Zola added, gently shaking her mum.
"Mmmm tired" Meredith groaned,
"Meredith honey, wake up for me, the kids are all so excited to see you" Arizona cooed gently sitting down beside Meredith. Carefully Meredith sat up smiling when she saw the four faces of her babies smiling back at her.
"Hey my loves" she cooed,
"Mummy we bought you ice-cream" Ellis exclaimed jumping onto her mother making her gasp, "I'm sorry mummy" Ellis immediately replied pulling herself if her mum.
"It's ok my love just be carefully how about you sit in Mammas lap hey" Meredith cooed feeling bad for making her daughter think she hurt her.
"Ok mummy" Ellis replied climbed into Arizona's lap.
"Mamma we for you your favourite ice-cream" Sofia explained once Ellis was sitting comfortably in Arizonas lap.
"Thank you" Meredith sighed knowing she didn't feel like eating right now she was struggling to not throw up as it was.
"Do you want some now I'll go get a spoon" Bailey exclaimed running off the the kitchen before Meredith could answer. Bailey quickly returned ice-cream and a spoon in hand.
"Here you go mummy," he exclaimed passing her the spoon and the ice-cream.
"Thank you" Meredith sighed, she didn't want to upset the kids or Arizona who had obviously spent so much time getting the ice-cream for her and they where all so excited, she carefully opened the ice-cream and took a small spoonful but as soon as she felt the ice-cream hit her mouth the nausea she was feeling come rushing through her body. She quickly jumped out of bed aiming for the bathroom but as her feet hit the ground and she stood up she quickly became very dizzy, she felt herself nearly fall over but was stopped by something as she looked she was Arizona had managed to get up and catch her before she fell. Arizona quickly helped Meredith into the bathroom, where she started throwing up but not before closing the door so her kids wouldn't see.
Arizona sighed as she held Meredith, she hated seeing her wife this seek and this weak. Meredith's weight was starting to concern her but she didn't want to say anything yet.

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for the delay in updates I wasn't quite sure how to write this chapter and how to continue but I think I've got it now. As always please leave comment and suggestions I will try to respond to as many comment as possible.

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