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Everyone looked over at Amelia with shock, she was due in a week so it wasn't a surprise but it was definitely not expected this soon
"Ok the bags in the car ready to go, we can go, what about scout?" Kai started,
"I've got scout you get Amelia to the hospital and I'll bring the kids and scout." Arizona answered
"And I'll come with you, Amelia needs her OB-GYN there if she's having the twins." Addison added,

It all happened very quickly and before they knew it Kai and Amelia where holding their twin baby girls.
"They are beautiful Amelia," Arizona cooed
"Do you want to hold one?" Amelia asked smiling down at her daughter
"Really?" Arizona asked excited
"Of course your the god mother" Kai replied handing Arizona the baby they where holding.
"Oh she's so beautiful," Arizona cooed holding the little baby in her arms
"That's Meredith Hope, and this little one in my arms is Addison Faith." Amelia explained smiling.
Arizona smiled at the babies before turning to the door when she heard a small knock and smiling as she saw her kids standing there with Maggie.
"Can we come in Auntie Amy?" Bailey asked
"Of course you can bud, come meet you cousins" Kai answered
The kids quickly ran in standing next to the bed with Arizona who was still holding baby Meredith. Maggie came to stand next to Arizona as well smiling at her sister.
"Mamma can I hold the baby?" Bailey asked,
"If it's ok with Auntie Amelia and Titi Kai?" Arizona answered,
"Sure honey but sit down first." Amelia answered,
Bailey quickly went and sat down on the chair in the corner of the room, and Arizona carefully brought the baby over.
"Now be gentle ok?" Arizona said softly lowering the baby into Bailey arms helping him support the babies head.
"What are the babies names?" Sofia asked looking at her bother holding the baby.
"Well the one I'm holding is Addison Faith," Amelia said smiling, "and the one your brother is holding is Meredith hope" she continued
"Meredith's, that's mummy's name" Zola said turning back to her aunt.
"You right Zozo, that's why we will call her by her second name hope so it doesn't get confusing. Just like this little one will be called Faith, so she doesn't get confused with her Auntie Addie." Kai explained,
"That's like me, my first name is Derek like daddy's but you all call me Bailey." Bailey exclaimed excited.
"Your right bud," Arizona said smiling.
Just then another set of step where heard at the door.
"Sorry I got pulled away, how baby Addie"
Addison entered the room smiling
"She's very excited to see the wonderful women she was named after." Amelia laughed, "would you like to hold her?"
"Yes please." Addison said gently grabbing the baby of Amelia.
The group chatted for a bit the babies being passed around all the kids got an opportunity to hold one of the twins, including scout who had been napping but had woken up during the commotion.
"Arizona" a voice asked from the door, only Arizona heard it turning around to see Miranda standing there
"Oh hey Miranda, did you come to see the babies." She asked
"No, but I'm very happy for Amelia and Kai, I actually came to talk to you" she said smiling
"Oh is everything ok." Arizona asked again
"Just step out for a minute," Bailey confirmed
Arizona quietly slipped out of the room worried about what was going on she did not want anymore bad news

"What's going on?" Arizona asked concerned
"Hey hey it's ok, today is a positive day. I was completing Meredith's scans this morning to check the progress of her treatment and check for any issues and her scans came back clean." Miranda said smiling
Arizona was shocked
"What, what do you mean clean?" She asked
"The scans show no sign of any of the cancerous legions left. There is still the pulmonary nodules but now that the cancer legions are gone I don't believe she will need a lung transplant after all. She may need a minor surgery to clear just some of them so she can breathe a bit easier but that's it all." Miranda explained
"So she's cancer free, she's in remission. Meredith's in remission" Arizona asked excitedly
"Yes, Arizona she's is." Miranda answered smiling and happy for the family and for her former intern. Arizona pulled Miranda into a hug, small tears of joy building in her eyes
"Thank you Mandy." She said pulling back from the room
"You don't need to thank me Ari, now go tell your family, I've got work to do" Dr Bailey said walking away, Arizona turned and re-entered the room gaining Maggie's attention. Maggie saw the tears in Arizona eyes and immediately freaked out
"Omg Arizona what's wrong is Meredith ok?" She asked concerned
"Yes, yes she is." Arizona answered, bending down to pick up Ellis. "Miranda just came to see me, Meredith had scans this morning and they came back clear, Mer's in remission." She said excitedly.
Everyone in the room gasped, smiling at Arizona
"What re..re.mis." Ellis tried to asked
"Remission," Arizona said helping her daughter, "remission means that mummy no longer has cancer the thing that was making her sick. So when mummy wakes up she should be a lot better." Arizona continued.
"Today really is a magical day" Addison said smiling,
"Of course it is it's Christmas auntie Addie it's always magical." Scout said smiling
The adults in the room all smiled at each other.
"Your right scout." Addison said scooping up her nephew.

The group enjoyed the rest of the day, and the presence of their newest family members. After while Arizona took the kids to visit Meredith, it wasn't anything knew for them but everytime she took the kids to see her Arizona's heart broke a little, but as she heard Zola and Sofia telling Meredith all they had done at school and Bailey telling her about his most recent soccer game and Ellis telling her about all the fun they had had Christmas morning she couldn't help but smile.

Authors Note
Hope you enjoyed.
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