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As the movie finished Arizona looked around and noticed both girls  were asleep.
"You ok mer?" She asked smiling at her wife
"I'm fine" Meredith replied
"Mer?" Arizona questioned knowing her wife and how she didn't like to share her feeling.
"Truthfully Zona, I'm scared I don't want to die, and I am going to fight but I'm scared about how sick I'm going to get." Meredith explained looking at Arizona
"I know my love but we will get through it" Arizona replied leaning over to kiss Meredith.
Meredith and Arizona continued to talk quietly while the girls slept, after while Amelia and Kai brought Bailey and Ellis along with pizza for the 8 of them to enjoy.
"How you feeling Mer" Amelia asked as she set up the pizzas for everyone.
"I've been better, been worse it's pretty ok at the moment." Meredith replied truthfully.
Amelia smiled at Mer before digging into her pizza.
The group chatted for a bit before the kids started to get tired.
"Come on kiddly wink let's get you home" Amelia explained noticing that Meredith was getting tired as well. The kids all got up hugging their mums before Kai lead them out of the room leaving Amelia, Arizona and Meredith alone in the room.
"Thanks Amelia, I don't know what we would do without you and Kai" Arizona explained
"I don't mind, as long as you look after Meredith for me" Amelia joked hugging her sister and Arizona.
"I don't need to be looked after" Meredith replied pretending to pout.
"Oh but I love doing it anyway" Arizona joked leaning down to kiss Meredith's pout
Amelia laughed, before saying goodbye and leaving Arizona and Meredith in the room.
"I love you," Meredith replied smiling at Arizona, Arizona looked at Meredith for a minute before climbing into the bed next to her. Arizona was glad Meredith was happy even if it was over small things.
"I love you too, Meri now get some sleep" Arizona cooed gently starting to rub Meredith back,
"Thank you Zona" Meredith replied half asleep.
"No thanks necessary, my love" Ariana cooed as she watched Meredith fall asleep. Once Meredith was asleep, Arizona let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding.
"I love you so much Mer" she whispered, as a tear slipped down her cheek, before falling asleep.

The Next Morning.
Arizona woke up before Meredith and smiled as the sun created small rainbows on Meredith's cheeks from the morning dew on the windows. As Arizona checked the time on her phone she realised it was nearly time for Meredith's new chemo treatment. She figured she better wake her up.
"Mer honey it's time to wake up" she cooed gently trying to wake Meredith up,
"Mmm..no I want to sleep" Meredith whined
"Mer honey you need to wake up it's nearly time for your next chemo treatment" Arizona explained, smiling at Meredith. Meredith was a pain to wake up even when she was healthy.
"No...five more minutes" Meredith whined again trying to turn away from Arizona.
"Come on honey, you need to wake up" Arizona cooed this time peppering Meredith's face with kisses.
"Uhh fine" Meredith sighed pretending to be grumpy and catching on of Arizona's kisses.
As Meredith sat up she felt her chest tighten slightly and she began to cough. Arizona quickly grabbed the oxygen mask from behind Meredith's head and placed it over Meredith mouth. After a minute Meredith's breathing had returned to normal and Arizona returned the mask, but leaving the nasal cannula.
"Thanks Zona" Meredith said, smiling at Arizona.
"No thanks necessary Mer" Arizona cooed, just at that moment Dr Bailey came into the room with a tray of medical supplies.
"Morning Meredith, how are you feeling this morning?" Miranda asked, as she got the stuff ready for Meredith's treatment
"As good as I can be" Meredith replied, she didn't want to complain.
"Ok Meredith we are going to start your new treatment today this is going to be a mixture of a more intensive chemo with IL-2, I want to let you know that the side effects of this will most likely be stronger than the last one.... I'm sorry mer" Miranda explained as she attached the new treatment to Meredith's port.
"Ok Meredith this treatment is going to take 8hrs" Miranda explained, "I'll come back and check on you but if you need anything don't hesitate to page me"
"Thanks Mandy" Arizona answered, knowing Meredith most likely was still processing what Miranda has said.
"Ok Meredith um starting the treatment now" Miranda added before leaving the room. Meredith watched as the chemo traveled down the tube before entering her port. She winced as it entered the chemo sending a burning sensation through her body.
"Oh mer," Arizona cooed, as she saw her wife in pain. She moved herself so she was sitting on the bed next to Meredith and Meredith could lean back into her.
"I hate this Zona" Meredith said starting to tear up.
"I know Mer, I hate seeing you in pain as well but it's going to make you better, we just have to remember what is waiting for us on the other side" Arizona tried to reason, she hated seeing Meredith in pain.
"I suppose" Meredith replied, before yawning.
"Mer honey get some sleep, we will be here for a bit" Arizona cooed, gently rubbing Meredith's back.
It didn't take long for Meredith to fall asleep, in Arizona's arms.

2hrs Later
Meredith just still asleep the chemo and IL-2 was taking all her energy, Arizona had already called Amelia to make sure she could help Meredith when she was discharged, knowing Meredith wouldn't be able to get herself inside the house and also knowing that she wouldn't be strong enough to support Meredith's weight. As Arizona lay in bed next to Meredith, checking her phone she suddenly got a page. It was supposed to be her day off so getting a page most likely meant something was definitely wrong. Checking the page she realised it was Jo Wilson, she messaged go telling her to come up to the nurses station near Meredith's room, she didn't want to leave Meredith but she knew it must be important if Jo was paging her on her day off. Carefully she shifted Meredith so she was lying in her bed and went out to meet Jo.

While Arizona was talking to Jo, Meredith started to wake in her room, immediately she knew something was wrong.
"Zona" she tried to call but she was so quite Arizona couldn't here hear her from outside, she tired to get up to get help but as she sat up she suddenly got really dizzy. Suddenly she felt extremely nausea, and before she could call for help she started throwing up, she tried to reach for a bucket but she couldn't reach it.

Arizona was talking to Jo when suddenly she heard crying coming from Meredith's room. Immediately she ran into her room Jo following closely behind her. Jo hadn't explicitly be told what was wrong with Meredith just that she was sick but as she saw her sitting in a hospital bed Chemo attached to a port inserted into her chest cover in her own throw up she knew, she didn't want it to be true but she knew.
"Oh Meredith" Jo exclaimed,
"Oh honey, I'm sorry I thought you where sleeping" Arizona cooed quickly running up to Meredith's side. "Do you feel like your being to be sick again?" Arizona asked, Meredith shock her head.
"Ok let's get you in some clean clothes then, Jo there are clean clothes in the bag in the corner can you grab me some please?" Arizona asked pointing to the bag Amelia had left last night.

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