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A few hours later.

After everyone left and gave the family sometime to be together they came back to say goodbye and let them know they where leaving. Meredith wasn't completely sure exactly what Arizona had said to them outside but she was grateful. Addison was the last person to come and say goodbye, as she did Arizona stopped her.
"Addie?" She asked quietly,
"Can I help you with some Arizona?" Addison asked,
"Um.. the kids can't stay here," Arizona answered looking around Zola and Bailey where both curled up in chairs, Ellis was curled up in her lap and Sofia was laying next to a sleeping Meredith.
"Would you take them home? I would have asked Amelia and Kai but they are busy with the twins and Scout and Maggie had them last night?" She asked shyly.
"Of course," Addison answered smiling, "it's been a long day you need your rest and so do the kids." She cooed. "I'll take them back to the house and look after them." Arizona smiled, before standing up Ellis in her arms, as she shifted Ellis stirred waking slightly.
"Mmm, mamma what's going on?" She asked groggily.
"Auntie Addies going to take you and your sisters and brother home so you can sleep." Arizona answered gently waking Zola and Bailey, before turning to wake Sofia, she was extra gently when waking her as she didn't want to wake Meredith.
"Is everything ok, why did you wake us up?" Zola asked concerned as she woke up.
"Hey hey, everything's ok don't worry. I was just waking you up cause Auntie Addie is going to take you home."  Arizona answered.
"No I don't want to leave." Sofia yelled pulling Meredith closer, causing her to start to stir.
"Mmh, what going on?" Meredith asked she she woke up feeling her daughter clinging to her side.
"Oh sorry Meri, I didn't want to wake you." Arizona sighed,
"Sofia sweetie what's wrong?" Meredith asked looking down at her daughter, all she wanted to do was cuddle Sofia back but she wasn't able to lift her arms to do it.
"I don't want to leave." Sofia said crying,
"Neither do I." Bailey said looking up at Arizona.
"I was just getting Addie to take the kids home to sleep," Arizona explained seeing the confused look on Meredith's face.
"Hey, hey kids ok we are just going to go home get some sleep and I'll bring you straight back to your mums in the morning." Addison tried to reason.
"No I don't want to leave mummy." Sofia cried,
"Baby girl what's going on?" Arizona asked gently passing a once again asleep Ellis to Addison.
"Last time we left mummy she went to sleep and didn't wake up for a year." Zola answered standing at the side of Meredith bed.
"Oh" Meredith sighed looking at Arizona, who gently pulled Bailey into her lap as she sat down next to Meredith,
"We left to stay with auntie Maggie and mummy went to sleep and didn't wake up for a whole year." Bailey extended.
"What if that happens again?" Sofia asked tears in her eyes
"It won't" Meredith answered,
"How do you know?" Zola asked
"Well last time mummy didn't just fall asleep," Arizona started to explain as Addison came to sit in the chair on the other side motioning for Zola to come sit with her.
"Yeah, your mamma right what happened to your mummy wasn't just her falling asleep and not waking up, your mummy was in a coma." Addison continued,
"So that was a different kind of thing to just falling asleep" Meredith explained, before trying to sit up slightly. Arizona noticed and helped her using a pillow to help support her.
"That night mummy went to sleep like normal, but during the night she developed a fever, you know what a fever is right?" Addison continued and all the kids nodded.
"Well that fever actually woke up mummy and it was making mummy very sick, which then woke up mamma." Meredith explained.
"Yeah and then because mummy was sick with cancer, a fever can be very bad so I rushed mummy to the hospital where Dr Bailey treated mummy, but because of how sick mummy was her body couldn't handle it so it shut down, and that's why mummy didn't wake up." Arizona explained,
"But I don't have the cancer anymore and I don't have a fever, so tonight I'll go to sleep just like normal and I'll wake up tomorrow morning and be able to see you again." Meredith answered, "so you go home with Auntie Addie and I'll be right here when you wake up ok?" She asked, as she looked at each one of the kids they nodded.
"Ok little ones let's get you to bed so you can rest and come see your mums tomorrow. And I'm sure your mums need to rest as well," Addison answered, standing up again and leading the kids out of the room. Once they had left Arizona turned back to Meredith who had started to cry.
"Oh Mer," she cooed gently wiping her wife's tears, "what's wrong?" She asked gently.
"I've scarred our kids." Meredith answered, "I've scarred our kids for life, maybe this wasn't the right decision maybe I shouldn't have fought. I've put them through hell, no kid should have to go through what they've gone through, maybe they would have been better off just grieving me and it being over." She cried.
"Oh my love please don't say that, your better and you haven't scarred our kids, their scared that's normal they missed you so much over the last year. I missed you but you haven't scarred them, you've made them stronger. Our lives are unimaginably better with you in them, you fought. You fought the cancer then you fought to come back to us, don't ever doubt your decision Mer. You did all of this for the kids and they are so lucky to have you." Arizona cooed, "I'm lucky to have you."
Arizona smiled, as she wiped away the tears still lingering on Meredith's cheek.
"Thank you Arizona." Meredith cooed,
Arizona leaned forward gently kissing Meredith.
"I love you," Meredith cooed,
"I love you too Mer" Arizona answer back, "can I?" She asked softly pointing at the space in the bed next to Meredith.
"Of course," Meredith laughed, and Arizona carefully  removed her prosthetic before she climbed into the bed, removing the pillow from behind Meredith and replacing Meredith head onto her chest. Meredith sighed as she heard her wife's heartbeat. Arizona smiled down at her wife, gently running her hand over the hair that was slowly regrowing on Meredith head.
"You know your very sexy with short hair." Arizona smirked, leaning down to kiss Meredith.
"Do I?" Meredith smirked back
"Want me to show you how sexy?" Arizona said gently moving her other hand...

Authors Note
Really hope you enjoyed

Please leave comments and suggestions.
I'm working on my new story as well I should hopefully post the next part soon.

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