moose goes missing

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"is it awful to say i really missed it here?" chris asked, stretched across the entire third row of the van.

"very awful. nothing in L.A. holds a candle to moms cooking." nic replied, rolling his neck in a circle before stretching his arms.

after being delayed, we spent another day in boston. while the trip was only two days longer than we had planned, it did throw us a bit off balance.

being home felt so good, amazing even. getting to see all of our friends and family, getting to see all of our childhood bedrooms, pictures on the walls of all of us gap toothed and awkward- it definitely filled something inside of us.

the sad part is, that's just not our home anymore.

we're all adults, living our own lives, in our own houses that we're paying for. living off of food we have to go grocery shopping for, driving cars we also pay for.

being an adult is so weird, as a kid you never think about a grocery trip as anything aside from your mom being annoying and making you walk through stupid aisles.

"that is true... i saved a pretty penny being home." avalon took nics defense. "right. as if you didn't blow that entire teen vogue check on clothes this weekend." matt rolled his eyes and called her out on her poor spending habits.

"okay but i would've gotten less if i would've also had to buy food." she defended herself, leaving matt speechless. nic just closed his eyes and pointed up towards the sky.

i laughed at the interaction between the group. "honestly i'm just ready to be back in my bed, a couch and a guest bed only does so much justice for a girl." i chimed into the conversation.

they all nodded and agreed, no one making an argument. none of them understood my pain. they all had their own beds and avalon got matt's. meanwhile poor small frail little maisy was put into a guest bed and onto a couch.

everyday i curse avalon for being the one who got to fall in love with one of them, i deserve the good bed.

matt pulled up to the apartments after what felt like a forever drive, which had only been about an hour from the airport. we all hopped out and stretched, loosening ourselves up from the long flight and the inconvenient car ride.

the boys opened the trunk and started grabbing our bags for us, making sure we weren't lifting a single finger.

"you know we can grab our own bags." i said to chris while leaning on the the back of the van watching them, "do you think i was raised in a barn? absolutely not." he said before grabbing the final bag and shutting the trunk above my head.

i sighed and led everyone up the staircase. the closer i got the the door the more excited i got to be back in my own space.

as i unlocked and opened the door i immediately noticed something wasn't right.

the light in the living room was left on. i know for a fact we turned it off because we never leave it on when we leave, i flip the switch before i even grab my keys off of the hook. especially with us knowing we'd be gone for so many days, neither of us would be so dumb to leave the light on and run up the bill.

i pushed the door open and felt my stomach drop to my toes. behind me i heard avalon gasp and all of the boys get dead quiet.

the apartment was wrecked, looking as if a tornado had ran through it.

we all continued to walk into the fire, but the deeper we got the worse it was. everything was thrown everywhere, our couch was overturned, our tv was missing, every cabinet was open, the table the boys had just built was turned over, the centerpiece that sat on it gone.

𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞; 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now