mr winkleton & mario kart

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i walked into the triplet's apartment and lead myself directly to matt's room upstairs. the other two sturniolo boys were nowhere to be seen, which meant they were in their rooms. they never really go anywhere without one another.

i welcomed myself into matt's room where he was sat on his bed, back against the headboard, scrolling through tiktok. he looked at me and patted the spot next to him. i positioned myself next to him the exact same way and sat with my thoughts. he waits until i am fully ready to speak before asking any questions, knowing i have problems talking about my emotions.

this was not anything new for us. matt was always the person i went to when under immense amounts of stress and anxiety. before he was avalon's boyfriend, he was our best friend and the first person to help me understand how to cope with the negative emotions i was facing.

i had my first panic attack a bit after we had moved to LA, experiencing what anxiety was truly years prior. i was hanging out with matt and avalon in our apartment when matt had been the only one who knew how to calm me down. i knew he struggled with anxiety since his diagnosis, so having that person in your life who can relate is comforting.

he looked over at me and smiled. a comforting one. i smiled back before he spoke up, "what happened maisy mais?" he questioned.

i took a deep breath, "i am just getting tired of avalon's teasing about chris. usually, i can handle it. i mean, we have been hearing it since we were kids, but now we all have this huge platform and i do not need my comment section flooded with it. they will take it too seriously. not only in the crazy fangirl jealous way where i am getting threats from 13 year olds, but if chris and i ever date someone, it is setting our significant other up for hate for 'taking' either me from him or him from me.. which is not the case," i ranted.

matt just sat there and listened, he always did. this is why he is one of my best friends and i am so happy for avalon for having someone like him in her life.

i won't lie, i do get jealous sometimes. not of avalon and matt being together, but because of the love they experience. the romance, the trust, the loyalty. my last relationship did not have all that, we realized we were better as friends. i was still heartbroken as he was the first boy i ever truly opened up my heart to in a romantic way.i want to have the chance of living the life i read about in books or experience right in front of me between my two best friends.

"i know that she means no harm, she would never inflict this stress on me on purpose. she's my best friend, but for some reason, it is just becoming a lot to handle recently. i have been seeing these edits on my for you page of me and him from the recent car video talking about our 'stolen glances' or how we are 'mean to each other to mask the love we hide from one another' or whatever other bullshit they spew. trust me, i would love for that to be the case, but we genuinely just dislike each other. i do not know how much clearer it has to be," i continue, matt letting me finish my rant.

he just nodded his head and raised his eyebrow, a silent ask of if i was finished or not, so he did not interrupt. i nodded my head.

"you are having all this worry about things that have not even happened yet, do not worry about future partners until that time comes around. the right person for you will know you feel nothing for chris and not get jealous over it. ignore the edits, you know people like to make something out of nothing. think about all the shit you would see of you and josh, speculating one of you cheated on the other or you guys faked it all for some clout when all it was just a platonic love mistaken for romantic love. it only matters what you and the people around you know, alright?" matt said.

he has a point, he always does. i nodded my head again.

he continued, "as for the whole avalon thing, you know she means no harm, like you said, but that also does not mean you can let her say things that truly bother you. i know you try and protect her feelings, but you taught us how big communication is. that our words have a strong meaning and our voices can express that in a powerful way. i am proud of you for expressing your feelings to her, but she had no way of knowing how much it has been truly bothering you when none of us even knew. i would talk to her once you calmed down and if it makes you feel better, you can stay here in my room and i will stay with av so she is not alone for the night?" matt had suggested. it did make me feel better. i, of course, wanted to talk to her about everything, but i knew it was better for both of us if we processed our emotions separately and then came back together.

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