No.51 My Love For Writing

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Raw/Unchanged Version

My love for writing is unexplainable,
It runs in my veins like a drug.
For with every word written I become untouchable,
Diving into a world escaping reality's tug.

Relieving my soul from a never-ending storm,
Between these pages I find my resting place.
I discover solace within the rhymes i form,
Embracing the thoughts that make my mind race.

In a realm of free emotion I fly higher than ever,
Where imagination takes hold I reach the stars.
Unfolding my story line by line,
I leave a mark forever mine.

Edited/Updated Version

My pen dances across the empty page,
With rhythm and grace, a symphony it creates.
Each word, a brushstroke, painting a vivid scene,
A masterpiece of emotions, raw and serene.

The power of language, a magic that enchants,
As stories unfold, revealing hearts' deepest wants.
In every word, a connection is made,
A bridge between souls, a serenade.

Through ink and paper, I find my voice,
Expressing the joys and pains of choice.
The world fades away, a distant blur,
Only the words remain, a balm so pure.

Writing, my love, my sanctuary and muse,
A refuge from life, where I can never lose.
Forever entwined, an immortal affair,
In writing's embrace, I find solace and care.

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