No.27 Will You Think Of Me When I Go

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Will you think of me
When I am no more
Remembering the moments
We shared before

Will my name linger
In your memory lane
Or will it fade away
With time's endless domain
As time marches on, will my face fade,
Or will you cherish me and all that we made?
My presence now, will it linger on,
Or vanish like a fleeting dawn?
When I'm no more, will I be lost,
Like leaves with winter's icy frost?
Or will you hold me close and dear,
And keep my memory forever near?

When I'm long gone, will you recall
The moments we shared, big and small
The smell of my perfume and my smile
That made your life all the more worthwhile
Will you keep alive my memory
In your heart, for eternity
Or let the winds of time erase
The love we shared in a distant place?

When my time in this realm is through,

What echoes of me will remain true?

Will you cherish the moments we shared,
And speak of them with tender care?
As I venture forth into the unknown,

Will you keep our love bloomed and grown?
Remember, my sweet, with love and praise,
For our souls will reunite one day.
Will you recall my laughter when
I'm nothing but a memory
And the whispers of my voice
Echo faintly in your head?
Do my words hold any meaning
When I'm but a distant thought?
Will you remember me when I'm gone
Or will I fade like a dream forgot?

When I leave this life behind,
Will I be just a fleeting mind?
Or will you hold me close and tight,
And treasure memories of our light?
As I journey beyond the veil,
Will you keep love's immortal tale?
Remember me, dear one, with grace,
For eternity awaits our embrace.
Will my name stay on your lips,
When I'm just a distant thought?
Can you let my memory eclipse,
All the moments that we've wrought?

As I exit stage left,
My legacy will remain,
So keep me in your thoughts, with breath,
And in your heart, forever sustain.
As I bid this world adieu,
May your heart stay kind,
My legacy lives through you,
And the love we've left behind.

Will you recall my smile and grace,
When I've passed on without a trace?
My laughter and my sweet embrance,
Will they linger in your remembrance?
Will you think of me when you're alone,
And remember all the love I've shown?
Or will I fade away, forgotten and unknown,
As life moves on and time has flown?

Will I remain a memory cherished and dear,
Or just a faint whisper in your ear?
For though I may leave this mortal place,
I hope my love will never be erased.
Will you recall my smile and grace,
When I've passed on without a trace?
My laughter and my sweet embrance,
Will they linger in your remembrance?

Will you think of me when you're alone,
And remember all the love I've shown?
Or will I fade away, forgotten and unknown,
As life moves on and time has flown?
Will you recall my name,
When I'm out of sight and mind?
Can you keep alive my flame,
In memories that I leave behind?

Though I pass through that door,
My essence lingers on,
So please remember me more,
When I'm gone and gone.
Will you recall my name,
When I'm out of sight and mind?
Can you keep alive my flame,
In memories that I leave behind?

Though I pass through that door,
My essence lingers on,
So please remember me more,
When I'm gone and gone.

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