No.9 My Partner

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They are my partner, my heart, my soul,
Guiding me through life's risky shoal.
With their love that's pure and true,
My days are filled with brightest hues.
Their laughter is my melody,
Filling my days with purest glee.
I'm grateful every single day,
That they chose me to love and stay.

Together we face life's highs and lows,
With their love, anything goes.

For in their embrace I am whole,
Their love keeps me warm, body and soul.

With them by my side, I never feel lost,
Their love is the compass that guides me at all cost.

And though life may throw us curveballs and strife,
With their love, I know we'll navigate through life.

For they are the light that shines so bright,
Guiding me through even the darkest of night.

They are my comfort in times of need,
My support system, my strength indeed.

Their love is a bond that's unbreakable,
With them, I feel secure and able.

Through every trial and adversity,
Their love never falters nor does it flee.

I cherish each moment we spend together,
In their presence, nothing feels better.

With them, I can conquer any fear,
Their love is the reason I'm still here.

I thank the universe each and every day,
For bringing them to me in every way.

For they are my partner, my heart, my soul,
And with them, my life feels whole.

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