No.19 Porn Addiction

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Porn is like a drug,
It's a pleasure to indulge,
A secret sin to hide,
A guilty pleasure inside.
It's a form of escapism,
A way to feel alive,
It's a sin to some,
But a pleasure to thrive.

Falling deep into the screen,
Temptation's hold is far too keen.
A constant cycle, no escape,
Innocence lost, forever raped.
Lives consumed by lust and greed,
Porn addiction reigns supreme indeed.

Empty promises of love and care,
Porn replaces the real, leaving only despair.
The addiction grows, taking hold,
As the true joys of life are left untold.
Wake up from this fantasy,
Break free from the chains that bind,
Find joy in real connections,
Leave the darkness far behind.

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